Why “Action’s Antidotes”?

I call my podcast “Action’s Antidotes” because “Action” is a nickname I adapted due to my desire to always be in motion. It took me quite some time in life to appreciate slowing down and taking time to rest. While the inability to appreciate slower paced days and time between activities can be a weakness, the desire to be in motion is an important part of all of our personal growth and transformation stories. We all have ups and downs in life, and during one of my down periods I discovered that I had abandoned the mindset that had lead people to call me “Action.” I think we all have periods in life where we lose confidence. Instead of trying out our ideas, we wait, we hesitate, try to obtain more information, and often find ourselves focusing on what can go wrong, why something is not going to work.

Having heard a lot of stories about people either trying something new, thinking about trying something new or just being in a tough place with where they currently are, I realized that what most people need is to adapt the right mindset. Unfortunately, a lot of the places we go to in life encourage the wrong mindset. Many aspects of our education and work culture encourage us to be perfectionists, to wait for approval before trying something new and to fear failure. It’s almost impossible to go through life without hearing some form of “play it safe” kind of message. The discussions on this podcast are designed to be the “antidote” to everything you may have heard, well intentioned or not, that is discouraging you from go after what you truly want in life.