Astrology: How Birth Charts and Zodiac Signs Influence Our Connections with Luana Bossetti

Were you aware that astrology is an age-old system that provided assistance to people in numerous ways? In the past, individuals used to regulate their everyday life from sunrise to sunset based on the positions of the celestial bodies, the moon and stars. While horoscopes and birth charts are just a small part of astrology, it’s evident that many people are fascinated by what the planets and stars can reveal.

In this episode, we are excited to have Luana Bossetti back as our guest. Join us as we explore the fascinating history of astrology and how it has been used in the past to guide daily life and predict the future. Luana also covers how astrology complements various faiths and belief systems, as well as the interpretation of zodiac signs.

Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of astrology and its impact on our lives.


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Astrology: How Birth Charts and Zodiac Signs Influence Our Connections with Luana Bossetti

Welcome to Action’s Antidotes, your antidote to the mindset that keeps you settling for less. Us humans have a natural inclination to try to predict the future or speculate about what the future could possibly hold. It’s something we’ve been doing for probably longer than historic records have shown but we can see plenty of examples of it going all the way back to, in the case of Western culture, thinking about Ancient Greece and some of the measurements made by thinkers like Aristotle that kind of speculate about this so none of this is really new. Today, I want to talk to you about astrology because we’re recording on March 1, 2023, which is the start of a really major month in the astrological calendar as far as changes ahead, some things that we could possibly be seeing to change the direction that humanity is going to head. As you all know, we all do have free will and so, as a result, nothing’s set in stone but it’s good to start these conversations and talk about what we need to think about and prepare for. So, today is my first repeat guest on this podcast, Luana Bossetti, who has her own podcast as well. It’s changed names a few times so you have to tell us what it’s being called now. I’ve been a guest on her podcast. She’s also recently studied the field of astrology.


Luana, welcome to the program. 


Yeah, thank you so much for having me again and, yeah, my podcast now, it’s The Lost & Found Millennial. 


Okay. I was speculating about whether you had another name change after that but, yeah.


No, I think it’s quite because it’s broad, like Lost and Found, it’s like travel as well, you will get lost in your life and then you get found as well, I think.




Now we stay like that for a while. 


Most of us, at some point, have found ourselves lost or out of balance in some way and said, “Okay, I need to make an adjustment in my life of some kind.”


Yes, yes. And, well, if we want to see it from the astrological point of view, my career line, to make it simple, it’s in Gemini and Gemini, we know it’s a sign that changes minds so many times. 


Oh, yeah. 


So, for me, it’s normal to approach so many projects and then change and change name and since ideas so that’s in line with my astrology, let’s say.


My sun sign is a Sagittarius. Is that consistent with me keeping the same name and approaching 100 episodes or is there something that I’m out of line with? 


No, it’s consistent. It’s not the word for Sagittarius but because you are exploring so different topics and you have people on your podcast that talk about different topics, exactly, so it’s really in alignment, because Sagittarius wants to know everything and explore different things and explore the archetype of the explorer so the seeker of different adventures. I think that throughout your podcast, you go to different adventures, like talking to people from all over the world. So, it’s definitely in alignment. 


Well, that is good because I know that I’ve heard a lot of people say recently that when we have some of these negative emotions and people talk quite a bit about this idea of toxic positivity and ignoring negative emotions and so it’s like only the positive, but one of the most interesting statements I’ve heard is that when we have negative emotions, it’s kind of an indication that something in our lives are out of balance and that something needs to be thought of and something needs to be adjusted in some kind of way and, therefore, instead of just ignore, just like, oh, only think of the happy, try to actually look at it and say, “What is this telling me that I’m doing that’s out of alignment with who I inherently am?”

Yeah, exactly, and all the motions are here to support us and to help us grow, like the emotional body that we have, it’s our moon sign, which is so different from your sun sign and that’s the beauty of it because you need to have the sun that it’s the ego and your moon your emotion and all the planets together in the Astro Wheel, if you will, they are all different because we need to have these different emotions, different experiences to live a full life as well, so, definitely, I couldn’t agree more.

We need both the, quote-unquote, “negative” and “positive” emotions and they’re all there to support us, to send us a message. Click To Tweet

I call out as well on toxic positivity because I see that it’s toxic. 


Yeah, and it’s weird because I don’t want to overuse the word “toxic” because I know that it’s all the rage to describe anything as toxic but the general idea of taking anything negative and just ignoring it, change the subject, get my mind off of it and not really taking in the lesson is something that everyone can kind of relate to. 


Yeah, exactly, exactly. And even if we think about astrology, we have Saturn, that it’s the planet that everybody fears —


Yeah, the restrictions —


— because it’s kind of a, quote-unquote, yeah, the father archetype, the one that wants to teach you a lesson and it could be like it’s the karmic teacher as well so somebody is like, “Oh, no, I don’t care about Saturn, I just want the good fun parts, like Jupiter or your sun,” but they’re there like the emotion to help you, to help you grow.

We don’t grow in the happy times, when you are super happy and life is going according to your plan. We grow when we hit rock bottom and we go through certain phases that are not so, quote-unquote, “happy,” if you will.


Yeah, that makes sense. So, I want to back up a little bit, get my audience acquainted with astrology, maybe not everyone’s familiar with it. So, where did it come from? What is the basis for this idea of kind of taking out a birth chart, figuring out what your sign is, and understanding what it means for your life?


Astrology comes back to sensory and sensory is back because if you think about the ancient population, like the Egyptian or the Greek or even if we go to Asia, like the ancient population, they all use the star and astrology for so many reason. Like they use the moon for their harvest, when they needed to plant and then when they needed to harvest, they used the moon. Or for direction. They didn’t have our Google Maps that we have right now or even paper maps at the time so they follow the planet, the sun, the astrology, to help them for basic needs. So, it really dates back to a lot, a lot of years ago, but then it kind of got lost because then, as we know, when the industrialization happened and, well, I don’t want to go into like too much about the patriarchal society and all of that, when all these like, quote-unquote, “not scientific,” even if astrology can really relate to science in so many things, got put aside and now that we see that we have this mystical lifestyle arising even more, so many people are getting back to astrology, which I like to say that it’s like your DNA, because every chart, birth chart, it’s the wheel that you see with all the planets, with all the signs, with all the houses that it looks really like a wheel, like the wheel of life, it’s really your DNA.

Everybody has a different chart. There’s not a chart that is the same. Even twins have different charts, even if they are born maybe some minutes after, it depends, like they might have similar but they can have some differences so it’s really like something unique. And it’s something that in my opinion helps not only to discover more about yourself but also to accept and embrace all that you are because if we think about horoscope, we look about your sun sign or star sign as some people call it. Everybody knows their zodiac sign, because it depends on the day you were born. So we know if you were born in April, like I am, in the second half, you are a Taurus, but then, this is just a little part because then you have all the other planets and all the signs of the zodiac that means different things.

So, when you look at the whole birth chart, you are able to understand and even appreciate a lot of yourself at a deeper level that you cannot if you just look at your horoscope.

And sometimes people are like, “I don’t really resonate with my horoscope,” and it’s because it’s a tiny part of who you are, not the whole thing. 


I also weirdly think of it as something that was bigger in the Middle Ages than it is now, we’re coming back, and one thing I also think about is do you see astrology as being odds with, say, the Abrahamic religions, the Judaism, Christianity, and Islam that a lot of people adhere to? Or do you see them as being complementary to one another for people who do adhere to one of those three faiths?


I think they’re definitely complementary. I grew up Catholic so that’s my upbringing with my family. If you think about astrology, the four elements, like earth, water, air, and fire, and if you think about when in the Bible, they talk about how God created the world, it’s the same thing. It relates to the elements. God created water for us, like for the fish to go in, for us to drink and for the world because we are made as well 80 percent of water, so then He created the earth to provide us nourishment, then it creates the wind there, the birds, and then as well the fire to keep us warm. So really they go hand in hand, but because like some people think that astrologists too and they think that it’s like something that it doesn’t relate so religion is not really like embracing this Science of Astrology, but, for me, because I’m more familiar with the Christian religion but even if you think about Buddhism or other religion, there are elements of astrology that are in every religion so I think that if we really would open up to these, we could use them both to ourselves, to our favor. 


First of all, on this podcast, I’m not in the business of telling anybody what to and what not to believe when it comes to any of these things. My hope is that more people will be a little bit more open to at least hearing out other ideas and, obviously, different things are going to resonate with different people. Some people are going to resonate a little bit more with more of a rules-based religion than myself, you know, I —


Yes, yes.


It’s a little bit different. It’s part of the makeup of who we are, which is why it feels like there’s all these different ways that, whatever lies beyond our physical earth has to kind of resonate with different people. Maybe one culture resonates more with like your standard Catholicism and others resonate more with like kind of an individual pursuit, whether it be studying the stars or the Hindu pursuit of different gods that you choose to resonate with and it seems like part of it is just like do you believe that there’s anything beyond this life that you’re currently in or not.


Yeah, exactly. I think everybody has different beliefs and astrology really tells us to not to leave your beliefs aside but really stay open minded to see how it can help you to really love yourself, because every religion, at the base of every religion, I believe, of every astrology, it’s love, it’s big love, so if we believe in that, then I think we can resonate with astrology as well. But, yeah, I mean, you need to find it in different parts of your life. There might be a moment in your life that you don’t resonate with it and then maybe in the next year, it will, it’s something that we need to resonate with. And don’t go for, like somebody that tells you you have to do this or that because astrology cannot tell you what to do, as you said in the beginning, you have free will and you have to make your own decision. So, for me, I hope that astrology really helps people to love themselves at a deeper level, not to know, like I don’t tell you who you are or what you have to do or anything like that, that’s for sure.


Definitely. And what do you think is behind the recent uptick in interest in astrology, which I believe I started observing before the pandemic, but I think a lot of people are attributing it to like what happened with the pandemic and the uncertainty around that.


I think, yeah, the pandemic definitely contributed to open our selves to something different and social media and the Internet became more and more used during that time so astrology could get into this way of communication, but also because we had Saturn going on in the sign of Aquarius at the start of the pandemic and Aquarius is the archetype of the astrologer so I think that with the Saturn in Aquarius wanted to bring us all the knowledge, all the science to help us during these uncertain times. And now, in March, we will get into like another big, far planet, it’s Pluto, we enter Aquarius so what the astrologer say, we are approaching the Aquarian Age that astrology in the next years will become in the next decade because this planet moves slowly, will become even more and more out there and more people will even see, because before, yeah, everybody saw the horoscope, I think, at least here in Europe, you could find it on magazines or you could find it like on the radio or on TV but just like they think that you maybe listen and you don’t pay attention, but now there’s so much more information out there. Even on social media, astrology is a big topic right now. It’s a trend as well. So I think for these two reasons, like these planets moving into Aquarius that is the sign of astrologer, then that’s why astrology became more and more popular. 


And so Saturn entered Aquarius at the beginning of the pandemic, is that right? 


March 2020, and then it went retrograde and so on was December of 2020, but we can see like it’s no coincidence for astrology, they knew that something was going to happen with this transit. We didn’t, obviously, they didn’t know a pandemic will happen because, in astrology, they don’t tell you what specific event will happen but there was something because Aquarius is as well the humanitarian, the sign for the collective, so the pandemic didn’t happen in just one country, it happened in the whole collective, so it affected really the whole wide world. So that’s typical Aquarius energy, if you think about it.


So given that you said that astrologers weren’t going to know specifically that was going to be a pandemic, it was going to be something, should someone be treating with skepticism any video or article that says, “Astrologer who predicted the pandemic has predictions for next year”? 


Yes, totally.

You cannot predict the specific event, not even if you look at your charts. Click To Tweet

Maybe when you look at your chart there will be some transit or some major transit and you know that maybe you will encounter some challenges or maybe you can even predict like maybe this will be a good time for love but that’s like something that you need to take with a grain of salt because we cannot predict as astrologer the day that you will meet your soulmate or the day that you will get married or when you will have a baby or something like this. That’s just — because, obviously, there’s people that take advantage of that and definitely you need to be careful because now with the internet, I see so much on TikTok, there are these videos where people read the tarot cards or the oracle cards and they tell you, “Okay, if you look in this moment, this message is for you. You are gonna meet your love today,” and then some people believe in that and they don’t take it, “Okay, maybe today, yeah, Venus is in Pisces so it’s a good day for love,” but they take literally what the people tell you. It’s like when you go for a tarot reading to a psychic, you can take the things that resonate but you don’t have to think, “Okay, she told me that this was gonna happen on the year, on this day,” that’s not possible. 


Every site that says like, “Here’s your march astrology reading, single Libras are likely to find their soulmate this month.”


Yes, that’s, I’m like, no, beware of that and really take the astrologer tell you what the energies are and if you go into an astrology reading, yes, listen to what they tell you about the transit but if they tell you like so specific things, I think maybe they just want to like give you something that they cannot give as well because they are not the universe so they cannot control what’s going to happen in your life.


Yeah. So if there is a major transit that’s of interest to a specific sign, whether it be a rising sign, what can an astrologer say, like not a specific event but there’s obviously something that they can accurately say about, okay, this period of time is going to feel this kind of way or something?


Yes, they can tell you like if the planet, imagine the planet Saturn again that we talked about before, because in March it’s going to transition into another planet which is Pisces so, obviously, if you’re in your natal chart, you have your Saturn placement, the day you were born in the sign of Pisces, that will be a major transit for you. So, for the people that have this planet in this sign, they will feel some transit this year and they will feel some energy so the astrologer will tell you, “Okay, this is the transit, this is what Saturn represents, this is what Pisces represents, and this is what together they represent,” and so it’s going to tell you, “Okay, this might happen so if you might feel like you are in conflict with yourself, for example, don’t take it so hard on you or don’t let your inner critic really bring you down but this is what is happening in the sky,” so they help you to go through this period with some awareness and then you can be more compassionate towards yourself. But, yeah, they can help you in that, like I had my astrology reading in January to know about this year and I know that this year, I have a big transit that is touching all my birth chart, because the birth chart is divided into four big quadrants, so when you have a transit that kind of like touches all the chart, let’s say, because I want to use so difficult terms, it’s like something that you have to keep in mind and so she gave me tips on if I feel like I’m too hard on myself or if I feel like some days, it’s really too hard, this is what I can do, but just some tips that I can take it or leave it, but I hate when, especially with Saturn, when they tell you, “Okay, you’re going into your Saturn transit so everything is gonna change, you’re gonna break with your partner, there’s gonna be a major change and you will not be the same two years into the transit,” and for some people, it happens like that. Like, for me, when I went into this transit, it really changed my life, but for some people, the changes are a little bit less dramatic, if you will. So it’s like you don’t have to feel if you don’t go through these changes you’re not living your alignment transit. 




It’s not at all that.


And do those changes depend on all these other aspects of your birth chart, because you’re saying that the average person probably — like if I were to use my own self as an example, just say, like I know I’m a Sagittarius on the Capricorn cusp but Sagittarius and that’s it and then you look at your Sagittarius horoscope for today and you’re saying that that probably only tells like maybe 1 or 2 percent of the picture. 


Yes, exactly, because you have your birth chart with this wheel that we talked before that it’s your DNA when you were born, but then you have your progress chart, meaning that every year, the planets move, the planets move, the moon moves so, every year, maybe you are Sagittarius but now your sun in your progress chart is not in Sagittarius anymore because it’s changed signs so maybe now you are a Capricorn, which is the sign after Sagittarius because you want to embrace this energy more and you need that in your life. All the transits plus all the planets, like that’s why the horoscope doesn’t work because there’s so much more depth into that and that’s why, for example, in March, we have these big transits that affects the people individually if they have the transit in their natal chart or they can affect the collective as well because all the planets affect us in some way as a collective because their energy is stronger when they are in a sign. 


What made you decide to study astrology a little bit more in depth over the last few years?


In 2020, when Saturn enter the sign of Aquarius, my Saturn on the day I was born was in Aquarius so it’s called the Saturn Return because your Saturn returns to the planet where it was when you were born. This happen every 28 years. So it’s like it’s a check-in with your soul so it’s like, okay, you’ve lived these 28 years, now Saturn, it’s, again, the karmic teacher so wants to tell you, okay, let’s have a check-in, let’s have a review and see, okay, what are the things that are working in your life and what are the things that are not working in your life in this moment when you are 28 or 28 years later, some people get to their third Saturn Return as well, so it’s really, okay, so, for me, it was like there are so many things that are not working and I had that in the middle of the pandemic so I had so much time to reflect on that because I was not working. I lost my job with the pandemic, I was working in hotels. So, for me, it was like, okay, I want to go deeper into learning more about myself and I had my dark night of the soul, if you want to call it like that, as well so I really had to shed all the skin that I didn’t need and started to go into astrology and learn. At the time, I just knew that my sun was in Taurus. 




And then people were talking about, “Okay, you have to know your big three,” so the sun, the ascendant or rising, and the moon sign. So I started to look at the other two so my ascendant or rising, it’s in Virgo. My moon is in Sagittarius. Taurus and Virgo are kind of similar, but Sagittarius, it’s completely different, and so it started to make sense because I see, okay, yeah, that’s true. I am a Taurus so I like to be grounded and I’m stubborn, I like to take it slow, but also I’m a Virgo so I’m very organized, very detail oriented, but I travel a lot as well so what is that? That’s my moon in Sagittarius. I seek freedom. It helped me to start understand, like make sense of things that I already knew about myself and as well validate how I was feeling because I was like, yeah, I’m in Taurus but I feel there’s so much more than that. Taurus don’t travel, don’t like change, and I love change and I travel, like it was like — and so then I started with that and then I started to approach every planet and then I was like, okay, let’s learn more about the houses and this and that and then I get like, as a good Sagittarius like in my chart, I want to dig deeper and learn more and so I did that. And, finally, going to California last year, I found this school of astrology that was in the US time zone and so I had the chance to experience that firsthand when I was there because I could make it to the live course and that got me hooked and I was like, okay, I want to go deeper into every detail possible of astrology and it’s really helped me to accept and love myself at a deeper level and that’s why I was like, okay, this tool needs to be used and I want to learn as much as I can to be able to share it, and help other people to like accept themselves as well because, at the end of the day, we all want to feel like we are lovable and to feel that we loved ourselves first and then others love us as well so when we start to accept and love more ourselves, then we will open ourselves to love from others. So that’s the ultimate goal for me with astrology. 


And would you say that that’s been the primary impact of your diving deeper into your chart, diving deeper into astrology, this loving yourself more, accepting yourself more?


Yes, yes, because I never use it just like a tool that it’s there on my tool belt but I really use that to like help and embrace every part of me, even the parts that sometimes are more challenging to deal with that sometimes we want to avoid but we are not just like one part of us, we have all these parts and if you’re familiar with parts work, that it’s used a lot in psychology and in therapy, that’s kind of the same because every planet in every sign, it’s a part of you, so when you start to learn more about every part, give it attention, then it’s like, okay, you feel seen, you feel validated, and you feel loved too.


Understand all that. Now, you talked about the big three. I’ve always struggled a little bit to understand the ascendant because that’s not one of the planets, all the planets out there, I know we had the whole controversy years back about Pluto being demoted from planethood but then there’s some astrologers that talk about other things outside of Pluto, like the North Node, the South Node and all that.




But what is the ascendant, which you said is one of the big three so it’s one of the important things about your chart represent?


Yeah, the ascendant, as you said, it’s correct, it’s not a planet, but if we look at our chart, like this big wheel is divided into four pieces of like pie, four quadrants, they’re called. So, the four quadrants have a line and every top of the line, there are some things, so we have the ascendant that it’s the one on the left side that starts the chart, then if we go down, the lowest point is the IC, it’s called and I’m not going to explain it just to make you understand. On the other side opposite the ascendant, we have the DC or descendant. And then at the top of our chart, we have the last line, that it’s the highest point that it’s called midheaven, because it connects you to heaven. So this is where you can find your ascendant in the chart. It’s not a planet but your ascendant or rising, it’s what your soul came here to rise to, to ascend to, so really it’s connecting to your purpose, like where you need to evolve to in this life. So, sometimes, it can be hard because it’s not familiar. It’s not familiar to us, the ascendant, it’s something that we are here to learn. It’s like the north and south node that are not planets as well but they’re just placement. The South Node, it’s something that we have already mastered, that we know, that we are familiar with, but the North Node, even for me that I’m studying this, it’s so difficult to understand because it’s something that it’s not familiar. And so this is the ascendant as well. So why it’s so hard? Because it’s something that you are here to learn. Like in your case, what’s your ascendant?




You are here to learn this energy of Aries because you have your sun in Sagittarius, which is the fire sign, but the fire sign of Sagittarius is very different from the fire sign of Aries, and Aries, it’s the first sign of the zodiac so it’s really the one that it’s the pioneer, the initiator. So in this life, for you, you need to rise to that, you need to rise to be the pioneer of something, the initiator, the leader, that people follow you, because if you think about the chart, all the other signs follow Aries because Aries is the one that’s like, “Let’s get up and go and do things,” and it’s like it’s time to launch things and it’s the start of the astrological year in March when Aries, like when the sun enter Aries, so it’s really probably for you what you are here to really master, it’s that, to become a leader, and passionate leader as well because Aries is fire and fire is passion. So, that’s where you are here to learn. That the ascendant rising and that’s why, sometimes, it can be difficult to put your finger on it because it’s not familiar.

The sun is your life force, the essence of who you are so it’s more familiar. And your moon, it’s your emotions so this is something that you have within you, but the rising, it’s not something you have within you, it’s something that you’re here to cultivate.

So, I understand the struggle —




— the struggle with that.


All right, so I want to get a chance to talk to you a little bit about what’s going on in the month of March. Now, we already talked a little about Saturn. And I know that by the time this episode is produced, you’re listening, it probably will have already moved on to Pisces. What does that mean? Because I think you talked about there’s individual and that depends on what your specific chart is but there’s also kind of a collective aspect of it. So what does Saturn moving on to Pisces mean? 


Well, so, Saturn, I love this planet now that I understand more but I hated it for a while, because it’s really the father archetype. If you think about the energies, the masculine energy that comes and tell you, “Okay, it’s time to go, you have to take responsibility for your life,” and so sometimes it can be very challenging. We are exiting the Aquarius cycle that Saturn in Aquarius was like, okay, you have to embrace your weirdness, because Aquarius are the ones that feel like, “Okay, I’m the weirdo,” but sometimes this word can be used as negative but it’s like embrace the uniqueness that you are. And for the people that are going into this transit in March, the seventh of March, actually, Saturn will move into the last sign, Pisces, it’s the last sign of the zodiac, and this transit happen for people that were born between 1994 and 1996, or 28 years before —




— and I’m not good with math so I’m not going to tell you that now.


That’s 66 to 68, maybe — oh, yeah, something —


65 or something, but something like that. You have to find in your birth chart like where it was, but if your Saturn is in Pisces, in the sign of Pisces, that’s the beginning of your 28th year transit. And what does it mean? So it’s kind of like a challenging transit to look at because if we think about Saturn, as I said, the father archetype so he wants you to take responsibility of your life, then we have Pisces, imagine the fish in the water, they are not the best one to take responsibility because they flow, they just go with the flow, one day they are in one part of the ocean, the other day they are in another part of the ocean, so Saturn in Pisces, for the people that have displacement, there will be a challenging but so amazing transit for you to be able to ground you and to make you stay in one place and reflect about, okay, so now it’s time to take responsibility about my life so I need to be more grounded. What do I need to put my energy into that it’s something that, for Pisces, it’s like, okay, my energy fluctuates like the water in the ocean, something about boundaries that it’s very hard for Pisces to set boundaries with people, so, in this transit, if you have your Saturn in Pisces, you will be challenged to really set boundaries and speak up for yourself, which this is challenging because Pisces is also a water sign so it’s very sensitive, very emotional, it’s an empath, so as an empath, it’s very hard to speak your truth sometimes because you want everybody around you to be happy and so sometimes, when you set the boundaries, people around you won’t be happy. It’s really Saturn, it’s really inviting you, okay, it’s time to take responsibility and to really set these boundaries and to really be grounded and see where you want in the next two and a half years. Pisces is also the sign of the mystic, the sign of spirituality, very intuitive and dreamy. So, for the collective, this will be a big change because we will be asked to question all the spiritual beliefs. So it will be challenging for religion or for very strict organization where they have strict beliefs because the collective invitation, it’s really, okay, let’s take some time, sit in stillness, which is the thing that Pisces love to do, meditate, sit in stillness, and let their mind wander to another realm because they’re really the end of the zodiac so they’re very connected to the realm of the university, the water, so it’s really an invitation to reflect on your spiritual beliefs. Are you still in alignment with the religion that maybe you were brought up to? Or maybe not? Maybe you need to question and start new beliefs and it will touch as well like the people in power, meaning the religion, meaning the governments, the big corporation, they will be, quote-unquote, “challenged” in this transit because the collective is waking up to, okay, maybe I don’t believe in what the government is telling me, that it’s so in misalignment with my beliefs so people might want to go against that. So this, for the collective, it’s really interesting because we will be asked to take responsibility for our beliefs and not just follow, like as you always said, the script, but really send in our own power and decide what we believe in and decide what is not in alignment with us anymore.


Obviously, you’re not here to predict certain specifics but Saturn in Pisces leans in that direction of people kind of questioning what do I really believe and I know a lot of people out there who just kind of, not to get into specifics, gobble up whatever narrative is being put out in front of them and this is going to challenge us to say, okay, like, for example, there’s a lot of talk recently about information and misinformation on the internet and the question is, okay, can I just take this piece of information in and decide for myself is this a narrative that I accept? Is this something that I choose to believe? And doesn’t even have to be on the internet, it could just be like something someone said, like if someone accuses you of being lazy, stubborn, whatever, and you’re going to say, “No, I’m going to choose whether to accept that levy that you made against me”?


Yeah, exactly. One of my favorite sentence I say in the podcast all the time, it’s take what resonates, leave what doesn’t because maybe I say something and it doesn’t resonate with you, it’s not your truth, and that doesn’t mean that I’m wrong or you are wrong, it’s just like what you believe in, maybe I believe that my core value is freedom so for you and for me, we love traveling, some people, they’re like, “You’re crazy, I feel so good in my house,” like Cancer people, they’re like, “I’m staying in my house, I don’t get out of here, not even to the next stage, I’m perfect where I am,” and that doesn’t mean that the person is wrong or we are right, it’s just that we are different. And Aquarius was really to embrace everybody different and we have another big transit with Pluto, that is the planet of death and rebirth and transformation that is moving into Aquarius. So, really, it’s quick to embrace the fact that people are different from you and this will be an advantage, a good thing in the next decade to be more inclusive, like we have already seen that, I think, in the generation after the millennial, the…


Gen Z, as it’s referred to here.






Exactly, the Gen Z that are really more for inclusivity and like we see the questioning about like gender and the communities that are rising more and more, and the next 10 years will be even more accentuated because Aquarius, it’s really, I don’t care if you’re different, that’s actually the beauty of it because they want to be in the community with people that are different. They are the one, the astrologer, like they are different, they are the one that have all the tattoos, they change their color all the time if you want to put it into more of a visual because they don’t care about what other people think about them. At the high road of Aquarius, they’re really the creative.

They embrace their difference and use that to lead the world and to really create new things because Aquarius is well the filter, so thinking in the future and say, okay, how can we all different people come together to create something new, something innovative?

So, if we think about Pisces, they help us to really question all the, quote-unquote, “scraped” and then we have Pluto moving into Aquarius and starting the Aquarian Age, because Pluto stay for like 10 to 15 years in a planet so that will be the next stage where we will see, maybe this year, we won’t see so much because it’s just starting but in the next years to come, we will really see more people accepting people that are different because that’s the beauty. It’s not a thing that you need to think, “Oh my gosh, it’s different, I have to fear that,” but, no, it’s different, I love that.


So those are the two big moves that are happening within the month of March 2023, the Saturn in the Pluto. Now, Pluto, I know, is a much slower moving planet and when I started looking into this, I realized that Pluto had moved into Capricorn in the year 2008, which is the year that I feel like a lot of this stuff about excessive use of technology, putting everything on social media, staring at your smartphone, this whole time period kind of began and, sometimes, I struggle with that particular transit that’s coming to an end because it seems like a lot of anxiety, depression, loneliness came from some of these things. I know Pluto moves slowly, it’s going to move into Aquarius until June, it’s going to retrograde back and then come back for more permanence in Aquarius next year. What else does this — or what else should we be doing maybe to prepare for this kind of lengthy, because you said, like 2008 to 2023 is 15 years, this one’s going to be, like I don’t remember how many years but like another 15 years or something like that.


Exactly. Yeah, as you said, like the transit because Pluto is going to go retrograde and then come back so we will not — this is the preparation for what really is going to come in the next year. But it’s also we’re talking about the sign of Aquarius, which is the humanitarian of the zodiac so, really, this is an invitation for us to serve. Service will be a big thing. In fact, we have been seeing in these years that we were preparing, like so this Aquarian Age, so many people chose to, as you said, quit the job like the typical nine-to-five job and start new jobs, thanks to technology as well on the internet that we have never seen, like you type in a new job and you find it now in the internet. There are so many crazy jobs that are different. How we can use our unique gifts that we can see as well from our charts if we want to like or maybe we know already, some people are already aware of what are their gifts, how we can use our gifts to serve the collective, because, really, we are in — Capricorn is the CEO of the zodiac so it’s all about I tell you what to do and you do it. 




Aquarius, on the other hand, it’s all about the collective so we will be like thinking about switching from the mentality of I into we so it’s going to be really like, okay, where can you use your gifts to serve the collective into the next 10 plus years. I love to imagine that this will be where people go more into their gifts, certain people will live more their dharma, their purpose, but not just for them because they feel good but really to support the collective and to help all of us grow and learn and evolve and expand the consciousness so even if like could be like a hard transit because, obviously, when the people in power gets shaken, that could create a lot of conflicts as well. I’m a Sagittarius moon so I like to see the positive, the brighter side of it, and I want to believe that this transit will be so helpful for us to really come back to our purpose, our gifts, and really transmute them into this 3D reality serving the collective. This year, I think for many people will be like, okay, let’s reflect on what are my gifts, go on a quest on thinking about, okay, what is your gift? What are the things you came here to do? And I think if you go to an astrologer, that could help you so much to see the whole of you because some people may be still in the dark, they have no clue and they feel — sometimes, they feel even the pressure, you feel stuck, like, “Everybody knows what their gifts are and what is mine? I don’t see it.” 


A tough feeling, for sure. 


Astrology, yeah, me too. An astrologer can come in and can be here to help you, not telling you what is your gift but help you figure it out for yourself and then when you know what you are here to do, what you like to do, then even you raise the vibration that it’s completely different and you already by doing what you love, you help other people around you even if you’re not doing anything for them. So I want to be like positive on this and, yeah, hopeful, I would say, more hopeful and positive for the…


Well, that’s what people can do to prepare is like think about their gifts.


Yes. Yeah, go on a quest. Maybe now you don’t know it and it’s fine. Go on a quest, see, okay, what sparks your interest? Maybe it’s something like — I was like with no expectation, like maybe it’s something that you will do in the future, maybe not, but just what interests you right now and then, in one month, what interests you in one month? Maybe it’s something different.

But if you follow your interests, then I’m sure that will lead you to something that you love. Click To Tweet

Maybe you don’t know. Ask the people around you. I asked my friends sometimes, “What do you think am I good at doing?” and everybody was like, “Oh, but you love connecting with people, creating events, and talking and sharing,” and I was like, “Oh, maybe I should start a podcast,” and I did it.


I know there’s a limit to how much we can cover in one episode so if anyone listening wants to get any more information, is there any resource that you would point them toward?


Yeah, definitely, I will say like go to There you can find the link to my podcast. I have episodes for everybody where I talk about all of these but I have now a subscription as well to people that want to dive into astrology, you can go subscribe to that part that will be just for the people that really want to dive into that and I will start from zero, from really how to find your birth chart, because so many people don’t know that so I will go for that. And then, on my website, you have the offerings, if you want to have your charts reading with me, I would love that to support you in any way that I can. But, yeah, definitely, you’ll find all that. And Instagram as well, it’s the same name.


I think we covered the big things happening this month, the Saturn and Pluto moves as well as kind of a general idea of how to think about it. I know every single planet has its own thing, like Mercury being communication, Venus being love and romance and all that stuff, which we can get to or you can get to if you kind of dive a little bit deeper into it. Luana, I’d like to thank you for joining us again on Action’s Antidotes. I’d like to thank everyone out there for listening. I’d like to encourage you to think about 2023, what it’s going to mean and think about what your talent is and, also, I think the best message coming out of this whole episode was just the whole idea of loving ourselves, loving our whole selves, loving ourselves for what makes us different, what makes us misfits, outcasts, a lot of people feeling just like they don’t really belong. And until next time, I’d like to encourage you to tune into more episodes. Just live your best life.


Yes, exactly. Exactly. Yeah. Thank you so much for having me again.


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About Luana Bossetti

Luana Bossetti is a multi-passionate entrepreneur with big dreams and visions.

She is a world traveler with a big passion for personal growth and astrology.

She is an inspirational speaker and astrology & card reader.

She is also the founder of The Lost & Found Millennial and she has a mission to inspire as many people as possible to come back home to themselves and learn to accept and love themselves at a deeper level; so, they can create their life up to their dreams.