Creating A Visual Map of Your Heart Through Harmony, Connection, and Unity

Have you ever felt like you’re in your optimal state? Just in pure bliss doing the things you love minus the pressure. You feel your best and perform your best because you’re happy.This is known as the state of flow, my friends. When you’re in this bubble, you’re just simply in the zone. You are completely present, as if your life is unfolding right now. Often, you even lose your sense of time because you’re just enjoying what you’re doing so much that you forget about the world around you. It’s both enthralling and relaxing.

Today’s guest specializes in helping people achieve that mental state, bringing them into harmony so they can be their authentic selves. Arnaud Saint-Paul is the founder of Tapuat and also a two-time author. He taps into the power of the heart with the use of The Heartfelt Method. In this interview, you’ll learn about how listening to your heart can change your life.


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Creating A Visual Map of Your Heart Through Harmony, Connection, and Unity

Welcome to Action’s Antidotes, your antidote to the mindset that keeps you settling for less. Today, I want to talk to you about kind of living your life in harmony, in a state of flow. Now, we’ve all heard something about a state of flow but for a general synopsis of it, it’s the time when you’re truly present in the moment. It’s the time when you’re not distracted. And people often describe it as when was the last time you were so involved in what you were doing that you forgot to eat a meal or you forgot that you had to go to the bathroom or something like that. Not that I’m advocating meal skipping or intensifying the pressure you put on your bladder when you have to go, but it is a really beautiful state and it’s often a state when we’re at our most content, our happiest, and our most productive getting a lot done. My guest today kind of specializes in helping people bring themselves into harmony, into flow, and getting that authentic life. Arnaud Saint-Paul is the founder of Tapuat and also a two-time author and the inventor of something called The Heartful Method. He just brings people in so many different settings into the state of authenticity, the state of being truly who you are.


Arnaud, welcome to the program.


Well, thank you. Hello. Thank you for having me.


Thank you so much for reaching out and joining us today on Action’s Antidotes because where the discontent really comes from is the state of not being connected with who you really are. But, obviously, you probably know more than anyone else about this so just elaborate this on where the state of discontent that a lot of people feel, especially in our modern world, comes from.


Right. When we observe these troubled times, all the news and you’re going — and plus when we went through, all of us, in the past few years, you obsess with them and, therefore, you forget all the rest. In other words, each time we’re obsessing about something, each time we’re identifying with something, we lose contact with ourselves, we forget ourselves, and, hence, that discontent that is not really related, per se, to the actual events but more unconsciously, we’re telling ourselves we’re not going in the right direction. What if a state of presence of harmony, of interconnection, of flow would be our actual essence or birthright and we can actually allow ourselves to live our lives through that? What if, all of a sudden, everything would come to me without an effort because I’m here now and I exist and I am in my state of flow, to take that example, or harmony or congruence or coherence of alignment. And that’s what we can all do if we choose to.

The moment we start to become conscious leaders of our lives, of our businesses, etc., then we can jump or, better said, embark onto a journey where this becomes the norm.

And so when you talk about it being a birthright, does that mean that we’re all born with it? If we were to observe, say, a toddler just kind of exploring, meeting the world, I guess, are they in a state of flow, that four-year-old that goes, it’s like, “I’m gonna play this piano here. Now I’m gonna go and start coloring. And now I’m gonna go do this and ride that rocking horse –”


100 percent.


— and everything else that they do?


Of course. I mean, they are totally fully in that experience. There is nothing else than that, right? As you were describing earlier, I mean, they are so much in that experience that nothing else exists. Now, obviously, they can shift from one experience to another and from coloring the book then, all of a sudden, they are chasing a pirate or whatever, but they are fully in it and that’s the gift we have, which is to be totally enthralled in the experience we’re having now because it’s an amazing way not only to explore ourselves but also to have a journey, and, therefore, it’s less about the destination, it’s more about the journey, it’s more about being in presence to myself and meet the magic of the world with my own magic and, therefore, be supported and nurtured by this beautiful experience I’m having.


What generally takes people out of this state of flow or out of their true harmony with themselves over time?


It’s a very simple thing and it’s one word — “identification.” The moment you identify with something, whether it’s the news on the TV or it’s the discussion with your partner or at work, doesn’t matter, the moment you are identifying with these emotions, they are being exchanged in that moment and you are totally in that, basically, again, forgot totally yourself and you are in that exchange, like when you’re watching a movie where you are, David or Sophia or whatever, is the hero of the movie, you are Sophie, you’re not anymore Arnaud or Stephen, you are Sophie. And so, likewise, when we identify with this, we, therefore, separate ourselves from ourselves. So, therefore, we are not any more present to ourselves and we are not anymore in that place where we can be in the abundance of who we are but in that self that is being expressed at that moment that needs expression so it’s all good, right? So all okay, as long as we remember ourselves to come back to the fold of that now moment. But you have to take ourselves by the hand, all of us, and we’re taken right to go to that identification and then we, at some point, we need to go back to the left so we can continue straight and that needs practice, that needs awareness and consciousness. That continues to happen but it happens less and less or the recovery happens faster. Does that make —


And so when you talk about identification with something, say, a job title, a political affiliation, a nationality, a certain movement that you’re a part of, are they all in the realm of forms of identification that takes us away from ourselves?



All this beautiful journey we are on as human beings and as leaders of our lives is made of identifications. Click To Tweet

This idea of I, starts with an I which is the first letter of identification, I’m identifying to myself as a husband, a worker, an entrepreneur, whatever you want, and each moment has its own set of identifications. I’m a husband that has two kids that is driving a car thinking about the next job or whatever. And political affiliations and the brand I’m wearing and the car I own and all that stuff is a collection of layers that, if we are to live in harmony with ourselves, we want to let go of because they are a very small subset of all that I am.


You mentioned identification, and I begin with the same letter. In the French language, do they also begin with the same letter or is it different?


And in Spanish as well.


Well, that’s good to see that’s pretty common to at least the three most common languages spoken on my continent, I know it’s different in other places. And also, it seems like what you’re also alluding to is that these diversions from our authentic selves, these identifications, are something that’s naturally going to happen, we can’t really avoid it, we can’t really say, “I’m never gonna say –” one of the things I’ll say to people is, “I’m a bike rider, I’m a cyclist, because I rode over 2,500 miles last year,” but it’s more about how we respond to it once the identification creeps into our mind and it’s okay to watch a two-hour movie and identify with the character for two hours as long as we go back to being our true selves once that movie’s over.


Yeah, I mean, you have done 2,500 miles, that’s amazing. You are a bike rider.  Yes, by all means. Does that have to define yourself for the rest of your life? Maybe yes, maybe no. Up to you. Or would it be that next year, you’re going to ride 3,000 miles with not a bike but a motorbike and you become a motor biker, etc., so do we want to limit ourselves or not? Is it by constraint or expansion? To each of us, we all have the right answer.


And so you help people kind of overcome this identification and live in harmony with your true selves. One of the things I’m wondering about your general program is how much of it is how you respond to when this identification comes into yourself versus controlling your environment? Because it seems to me just from some past episodes and some past discussions that there is some merit behind avoiding certain situations where people will refer to as toxic.


So, it is not at all about controlling your environment because there is no way you can. Control is from the ego, it’s from the mind, it’s from the ego mind. And it is about focusing and aligning with yourself inside you. And when that happens, then the magic starts. In other words, less than less, the situation we’re talking about comes about in your reality. So, to take an example, let’s say that I have an issue with authority on the female side, just to take an example, okay? And so I have a trauma related to that. Therefore, in my reality, it’s going to come back again and again and again, women that are authoritative and are telling me I need to do this and I will do it until the moment I become aware of the pattern and then I say, “Okay, this is not me anymore, I am letting go of that identification,” because this is also an identification, and I choose another path, which is to honor myself and becoming my own masculine self in that example. And I do so one, twice, etc., and at some point, as I let go of that identification of that pattern, then these type of women do not appear anymore in my reality. That’s how amazing we are and that’s how amazing this reality is. So, what if we can actually, it’s not about control but it’s choose consciously how our reality is made of and not from a perception standpoint, perception of the events, but more about the actual events themselves. And we have that key inside ourselves, It’s there, for sure.


It is there but it feels like a majority of people, and this may be a little bit harsh, don’t know how to lock into that. 


Of course.


What do you think is the main barrier that prevents someone from kind of entering that harmonious state of being and being stuck in the hole, like, “I’m worried about –” like, “I am my job and, therefore, if I lose my job, everything’s gonna be wrecked for me,” you know, common mindset that people find themselves in?


Of course. Identification, again, the same thing. Again, you’re in that movie, you’re Sophie and you know you’re Sophie and you’re going through the emotions of Sophie and so on. Would I suggest to you that you’re Stephen at that time? No, you’re Sophie. There’s nothing else in that. If I take a hammer, give you in the head, maybe you’ll say — and then you become Stephen again. I’m exaggerating, of course. We are so enthralled by our stories, by our day to day, by all the different, “And this that is not working and that that is not working,” so how could you say that we have harmony and whatnot? Yes, of course. Please be my guest, continue with those stories, no problem. But then again, maybe there is another story you could be as good as with and have an amazing life in the process, but that is by letting go of any identification that you are carrying with yourself. And there are a lot.


Yeah. I think it starts at a pretty young age and it is embedded in a lot of places in our culture because even when you meet someone, you introduce yourself to someone, and that’s something I’ve also been observing myself too when observing children, because children just say, “Hi, you wanna go play horses?” They don’t ask like —


Who you are? What you do?


What’s your name, yeah, all those things, but one of the things that we talk about a lot and I’m trying to get away from and I know a lot of other people are is that default question in adulthood, “What do you do?” which, in American culture, in most places, is usually defined as what do you do for work, what is your job, and even that, there’s a layer on that already that just define yourself by your job doesn’t really give too much credence to like all these other things like I never bicycled for a job but it’s still a main part of my life given how much I do that activity. But then, on top of that, saying that you have to like say something, you have to attach your being, whatever, to some form of action, to some form of group identity.


Yeah, label. It’s —


A label, yeah.


Label, yes, indeed. Yeah, and it’s totally understandable. This world, which is made out of segregation, where you have a tree, you have a table, you have a house, and so on, we continue to have these labels needs so that we believe that we know the actual person or object that we are in front of and it’s a simple way for us to relate to it. We’re not actually related to the nature of it but to the approximation to it, if that makes sense. And it feels simple but it’s obviously a very tiny part of what we are in front of. And I guess also, the “What do you do?” is relating to, okay, if you’re doing that, then you’re earning X amount and then I can relate to you and probably I can maybe do business with you or not, because that’s the American way of doing things. Instead of the, “What do you do?” I ask, “What’s your life passion?” and then we start to have interesting conversations. Sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes. It just happens.


You can’t guarantee it for sure. 




One thing I’m wondering is that you’re helping bring people back into harmony, and I say “back into harmony” because of that experience we all experienced at some point, we’ve all had glimpses of it, even the most hurried person, the most numbing person, has glimpses of it at some point in their life when they have their 90-minute periods or even 10-minute periods where they’re truly immersed in a moment. You’re helping bring people back into this. Does that change the way we relate to one another? Because one of the key issues of our current times is divisiveness and you’re like, “Oh, you’re this person, you’re that person,” as opposed to understanding people more fully. How does that look like?


Well, actually, it goes way beyond that. It relates, it helps you change your relationship with yourself.

Usually, it goes way beyond that. It relates, it helps you change your relationship with yourself. You start finding a rhythm, a way to align with yourself, to accept yourself, to surrender to what is, to maybe even fall in love with yourself in that process because that’s the journey we are on.

And because of that, then it starts to create new type of relationship with the people that you know or new ones. It helps you to have a more simple type of relationship. It is coming from a place of abundance inside you instead of being projected into the relationship. It comes from your love to yourself and then it shines away towards the others, which is an amazing way to do things because it’s way more conducive to more joy, more balance, more peace, etc.


It’s interesting, because I’ve had some discussions recently around the idea of manifestation and I feel like there is the temptation to view this manifestation as another form of identity, like “I want to be this, I want to be that,” and what does pure manifestation look like?


So, I do not use the word “manifestation” because it is embedded with a lot of signification that are not — it doesn’t align with my own view. So, I created, in the past 30 years, The Heartful Method, which is a set of 160 charts that offers a visual map of how consciousness works. And so, within that framework, I have an understanding that served my experience and then the one of CEOs that I’ve been working with. And, for me, the key word related to that is “alignment.” So, in other words, all that is possible is already there, it’s manifested, and I’m aligning with one version or another.

The better I align with myself thoughts, emotions, actions, and more, the highest version of that manifestation I will align with. Click To Tweet

So it is all about letting go of all these identifications, entering into a place of simplicity, of ease and grace, and let the universal reality bring in what I am ready to allow because, most of the time, we don’t want to receive gifts, funnily enough. We prefer to live in a limited world because that’s how we’ve been conditioning ourselves for so many years. But we can decide otherwise if we want to.


So you said people are conditioned, you talk about like the mindset of limit versus abundance. Is it fear that keeps a lot of people clinging to a lot of the limitations that we see, whether it be identity or anything else like, “You are this age,” “You are this gender,” “You can’t do this,” “You can’t do that,” and every other way it kind of shows itself?


Yeah. I mean, limitation is very important. It is good.


In this world of consciousness that we’re having this human experience, it is important to have limitation because it brings contrast which allows us to define who we really are.

So, if I have a father that is very authoritative, maybe I become someone that is very mellow and defining myself through that, so just as one example. Now, these limitations are there as well to let go of them. And it is true that when I am in my little house with four walls that are quite close to me, I can even touch them, it’s comfortable, it’s okay, it’s all good. And if you’re asking me, “Oh, you know what, hold on, I can tumble one of the walls,” and you’re going to say, “No, no, no, no, no, no, I want my walls because they’re close, I know what it is.” So until I become conscious of myself, becoming aware and making conscious choices, these seems to be a world apart, technically and in reality. And once I decide, no, I am going now to make new choices and new patterns because I recognize that I’m doing this again and again and again and I’m going to switch off the autopilot and getting into manual mode and I’m going to start taking decisions, like, for instance, well, I love women, or whatever. Then, we open the door, we’re not tumbling the wall yet, we’re opening the door, and there, we start to say, “Oh, he was not that fearsome. Actually, I was creating a full world of what was outside of the wall when it was just a door and there was a step after the door,” so it was not that difficult. And, yes, we can, like whichever brand says, that we can do it and it starts with one very simple step. And it’s only one step at a time and it only happens in the present. So, if whatever fear we’re having, anxious, anxiety, etc., it’s obviously placed in the future somewhere. Don’t care. Come back here. Now. Let’s start with that.


I’ve heard them say something before, like if you’re full of anxiety, you’re living in the future. If you’re depressed, you’re living in the past, because I was kind of wondering what people need to do the open that door, to open the door to allow everything in that you’re saying and you’re saying the first thing is to not live in the future and live in the here.


Nor on the past, for that matter.


Nor in the past.


Maybe the anxious person is in the past and the future but definitely not here right now in this moment, in her body, and the same for the depressive person. Yes, the key is always more love, more now, because love cannot happen if not now anyway. So it’s all here.


I know a lot of people have observed over the last decade in particular an increased interest in ideas like meditation and I know you also talk quite a bit about self-talk, what we’re saying to ourselves. What role does that play in kind of getting us into that, “Okay, I’m gonna go into the here and now and I’m gonna open that door and allow the world of magic to come in”?


I mean, you could say it’s helping you to go back into that present moment more and more and more, in a disciplined way, in the sense that offering you a space where you can be present to yourself. That’s one thing. But it’s also, at the same time, to start honoring yourself, honoring the fact that you’re existing, letting go of the need of identifying to something, because when you’re meditating, you’re not identifying with something, so it gives you a taste of another way of being. It helps you to start populating more of your time that way so instead of doing being and being you, not being I that is that or this or this, so being I that is all that is, so being in your heart. So, it’s really helping you coming back to your foundation, to your essence.


I was gonna ask, is this some sort of a part of a larger scale movement? Because when I think of the world of the past and here I am not living in the present, I guess, but I think of a world in the past as having more identifications and more limitations. I often refer to last century’s culture as the one size fits all culture and that everyone is supposed to — it’s when I say living by the script, for example, what I often am talking about. Is this part of some sort of movement that we’re going through collectively as humanity right now or is this just something that people are thinking about in just some subculture?


No, I believe that, at the society level, consciousness is going through a transformation, which I think is quite obvious in the sense that, in the past 100 years, we’ve been waking up to our humanity to the fact that we are one at the planet level then we started to interconnect communication and then we’re waking up to the social impact aspect, which is quite important if you want to take care of our planet which is taking care of ourselves in the process and, at the same time, is waking up the feminine energy in our society day to day and spiritually speaking and that calls for a higher awareness at the society level. And we also see religion going down, which is marketing of spirituality in some ways and waking up the individualities who are in direct contact with our own spiritual self. So, all that together, for me, in my little understanding of the world, is showing that we are waking up. Not everyone, obviously. Each one in their own ways. But we are waking up. 


Tell us a little bit about the work you do. Is most of your work you do, I see that you have some retreats and some other type of events, do you do a lot of group work? Do you do a lot of one on one? Is there a setting that you prefer?


I would like to offer all of them so we have retreats, it’s more confidential setting, like 10, 12 people maximum in an outstanding place always because I want a place which evokes harmony, also where we have a lot of different sacred sites around because that’s where there is a higher degree of coherence and alignment so that’s one modality. I do have, with very specific type of people, a one-on-one coaching, following that Heartful Method which is a 90-day process and we’re going through the 160 charts, we have a weekly session there. At the end of the three months, the person has the tools to help herself getting into further alignment for the rest of her life, and sometimes I continue to advise the company afterwards. And the last bit is there is a big self-help section where you can find my books and there will be more and more videos and audios around how you can help yourself workshops that are available online and, soon, we’ll have The Heartful Method on a group setting as well online where I offer this with live Q&A and everything. And then maybe someday, I’ll have big conferences, but that’s not yet on the table.


What led you to develop The Heartful Method? What inspired, given this whole living through present, and…?


The only reason why I wrote the books I wrote and built that Heartful Method, which was not a heartful method at the beginning. Mind you, that started 30 years ago. So it was just trying to understand myself. I woke up when I was 13 years old and I was obsessed with one question, “Who am I?” and I went through all the different religions and philosophies and practices and whatnot and slowly came together charts, one and then another and then another, to help me understand something that I was not very clear about, the same way that second book, I Is Born, 66 poems that helps me understand what is brilliancy, joy or faith or trust, etc., from the self standpoint and also from the human standpoint so that I have a better experience of what it means. And so, nowadays, these charts became something coherent and is a tool that helps me to transfer that experience of mine, not a knowledge but an experience, so that the person can actually acquire it or remember it, better said, so that they can apply it in their lives.


What’s interesting, it’s a common observation I’ve seen where a lot of people will not start building anything until they know exactly what it is, know exactly what it’s going to be. You’ll hear the term “roadmap” all the time. But I’ve seen some of the most beautiful innovations come from when people just start building something. I mean, I put together this podcast out of inspiration, not really knowing when people ask, “Well, what’s your niche and how many followers do you have? How do you intend to monetize it?” Sometimes, you just let the work, the process of you building the work and the work happening, come together and figure out what it’s going to be over time.


Yeah, I totally understand you, and it is clearly, in this case, an inspired work, like the one you were inspired for as well. It is an expression of my life journey and my unique tone that is me and I’m sharing it and whomever resonates with it comes and drinks from that fountain, and who doesn’t, doesn’t, and that’s okay too. I mean, life is too short for not having fun and live a magical life, at least that’s my understanding of things.


And graduates of The Heartful Method or any of your programs, they come out knowing how to live a more joyous experience. What I’m wondering is, is it an intense program? I’ve heard people talk about these transformations being intense, emotional, very involved.


It’s very soft. I mean, from a time perspective, we’re talking about an hour and a half every week so it’s not that big of a deal. Now, if you do your homework, which is to start acquiring the new ways of relating to yourself, it’s going to be very gentle because, again, this reality of yours, unless you really want to have fights and adversity, you don’t have to and it is highly likely that I will not work with a person that is very high adversity mode because he or she will not relate to what is being offered here. It’s okay. It is a gradual process. Basically, if you think of your life being a symphony and let’s say that you are only — you use one octave to write your song, that is you, that process is helping you to go from one octave to another and another and another and you create a higher frequency symphony of you. But it’s always the same song but it becomes purer and it’s like you becoming a tuning fork of that unique vibration that you are. And it is just letting go of old patterns that do not serve you and automatically changes your reality and aligns with the new you.


I know a lot of your program is about kind of letting go of this identification and also, it feels like it would also let go of a lot of the places where a lot of other people slip up, which is how you respond to some sort of negative criticism from others. Do you personally, having lived this path for it seems like three decades, do you ever have slip-ups? Do you ever feel yourself slipping into the trap of having an identity or hear someone say something negative about what you’re doing and wanting to either respond or internalize it a little bit?


So, that I slip into the human form? Yes, I am, but I am more and more present to myself and I am at the same time in myself and in my I so there is that place where it becomes easier and easier. Now, yes, I have had moments that were more dramatic, for sure, and there are still some of them, of course. The negative comments that strike me directly is not really often anymore. Now, one of the things that I share with people is that life is here to tell us what we’re not able to tell ourselves. So, in other words, whatever it is that is being unconsciously expressed will show up in our life. So we were talking about that trauma related to authoritative women earlier, and I’m not aware of it at all but it shows again and again and again in my life. So, life is showing up these events that not necessarily seems to be connected but they always are, 100 percent, and when I’m able to understand them, to become aware of them, to become conscious, then I can unlock, help the transformation of that pattern, and then let go of it. It happens instantly. In my course, there is a slide which is R = F(I) so F, between parenthesis, I, which means reality equals a function of I.

So, in other words, everything that you're experiencing is always a reflection of you. Always. Click To Tweet

And that’s scientific. There’s no way around that. And that means that I has the power of changing reality as long as he learns the language and the process of helping that change to happen. And so, the negative comments that you were mentioning earlier, if I would receive one, I know how to listen to it, not as Mr. So and So telling me you’re an idiot or whatever, but more I am telling that to myself through him because this is a reflection of me and so I listen to myself, I open to myself. I say, “I understand, I hear you. I love you,” and I let go of it. 




Not necessarily to that person but to me.






So you’re saying if someone out there listening right now is in a place in life where they’re saying, “Why does this keep happening to me?” You’re saying they should put a mirror in front of their face? 


Yeah, because that’s what they are doing. 


Amazing. And I was going to ask because we talked a little bit about how more and more people are kind of getting on board with this whole presence, with the whole recapturing your identity. Is this something that you’re observing, say, different across — because I know you work across many different countries, many different cultures, different continents, is it something that you’re observing that’s happening at a different pace for different groups of people or is this more of just like some people are ready for it and some people just aren’t?


Well, I guess both of them, but, anyway, I want to answer the best I can your question, each society or country has their own pace. They are all going in the same direction from an evolution standpoint. The US, most of the time, leads the way as usual and then the world permeates to it as it goes and opens up to it. But, for instance, there is a huge conscious renewal in Russia, of all places. This is quite amazing as well, but, obviously, it’s in Russia so not a lot of people know about it. My best clients are Russians. There are many places where this is blossoming in different ways with different messages, obviously, etc., but all going in the same direction.


That’s fascinating. And I guess the other question, I wanted to ask you about trends. A lot of these developments, I’d say, that’s led to that, you talked about the communication, the technology, everything’s that’s brought us together, has, in some circles, brought some less than ideal results, i.e., some of the breakdown in our communities that’s led to loneliness, depression, and some of the bad things that occur from that loneliness and depression. Do you see this as a growing pain in a cultural collective sense of this transformation?


It’s also an invitation for everyone to face themselves and become present to themselves because if I’m not anymore in the community, then now starts the time of discovering myself and how amazing it can be. We tend not to look at it that way. But then, again, let’s think again and choose differently maybe. Maybe there’s a treasure inside that we were not ready. And it’s interesting because religion was offering an amazing framework within which we could, in communities, have faith together and this is disappearing as well. So, everything is pointing towards huge diversity where each unique individual has their own perfect way of seeing the world and we all have the option of opening ourselves to ourselves. Do we want to choose it? That’s for each of us to answer that question.


So it’s an invitation. And, I mean, I’m talking culturally but I think we all have seasons of our lives individually as well where we often think, oh, this is one period of time, whether it be you were popular in high school or college or had a period when you had like a new kid or something where you’re constantly around a lot of people, constantly sought out for your social endeavors, so much fun, and then other periods of life that tend to be a little bit more disconnected and I think a lot of us had that with COVID where we were more disconnected from people and you’re saying to see that as more of an invitation to do some of this work on how, since our reality is a reflection of our identity, what’s inside, to say, okay, let’s reflect on that, and see what we want to have reflected back to us or what we want to put out into the world going forward.


Yeah. I mean, there’s such an amazing magic inside I, what if we actually uncover it? What if we actually invited to have an amazing moment now with ourselves, potentially with other people afterwards, but from ourselves in any case? What does that mean? Would that mean that, all of a sudden, I start writing or, all of a sudden, I am just happy being me just now accepting myself? That’s a novel concept.


Yeah. That is a novel concept, something a lot of people probably aren’t used to.


But the thing is, once we start on that journey, it starts to become really fun. And, more importantly, we’re inviting so much abundance of joy and peace and balance.


So, if anyone’s interested in getting onto that journey, anyone listening out there wants to get a hold of you, what will be the best way to do it? To go to your web page? 


Yeah, I guess —


If I remember how to pronounce it right.


Go to where there is a workshop called Three Ways to Find Harmony Within, it’s a highlight. I share there a few things and then you can also purchase the workshop itself if you want on the website. So there you will find, on the website, you’ll find the retreats and the books and content I’m sharing there, some of the poems and we’re going to share a lot. So, happy to do so.


So Tapuat, if I’m pronouncing that right —, yes.


Yes, slash harmony.


Well, Arnaud, thank you so much for joining us today on Action’s Antidotes for kind of getting us all acquainted with how to be truly harmonious and be truly present with ourselves and getting to that state of flow, because, whether it’s from the productivity angle that we hear about a lot or just from the angle of pure enjoyment, pure enjoyment of being where you are, I think it’s something that a lot of people can benefit more from and can help a lot of us facilitate making our true dream lives come true.


Yeah, totally. And let’s do it.


Definitely. And I’d also like to thank everybody out there listening and encouraging you to stay tuned or tune back in again to Action’s Antidotes for more interesting conversations with people who have pursued their true passions in life and have some great ideas for how you can go about manifesting the same.


Awesome, thank you so much for having me.


Thank you.


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About ​​Arnaud Saint-Paul


As a philanthropist and award-winning serial software, finance, and social impact entrepreneur for more than 20 years, living between Los Angeles and Paris, Arnaud went through his awakening when 13. While having a successful career in Finance and Technology across continents, he has been traveling throughout the world to study the different religions and philosophies in his relentless quest to understand himself. His life purpose is now to open billions of hearts and help them find harmony inside and out.