
Taking Your Brand to The Next Level With Kim Russo

Everyone possesses a personal brand, often unconsciously, and authenticity is the cornerstone of its development. To construct a compelling brand, delve into understanding your target audience, studying competitors, and identifying the unique aspects that set you apart. But the question remains: how can we embark on this journey? In this week’s episode, I sit down with Kim Russo, Founder of On Brand Designs. We explored her journey, starting with packaging design and transitioning to a

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Branding: Knowing Yourself and Building Relationships With Kyle Asperger

“Is there any time when branding isn’t important?” Your brand represents you and your promise to your customer. With creativity, skill, and a strategic approach, you can establish an identity with your brand. Great branding sells out to your customers because it’s what makes you unique and different. Here today is brand specialist Kyle Asperger, and he’ll be deep diving into how branding gives “life” to your company. He would walk us through the importance

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