career growth

Finding Meaning and Happiness in Your Career with Debbie Morris

Finding meaning and happiness in your career boils down to how you align your work with your values and passions. When we work on something that feels purposeful, it gives a sense of fulfillment that goes beyond a paycheck. How can we find a career that resonates with who we are? In this episode, I chat with Debbie Morris, the founder of Live, Learn, Serve, a career transition coaching service. We talk about how to

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Journey of Transformation, Growth, and Fulfillment with Elizabeth Burke

Navigating a career change is often challenging; it’s about breaking free from the confines of a single job title. When you’re not passionate about your current role and it doesn’t bring a sense of pride, contemplating change becomes crucial. It involves self-reflection, identifying your true interests, and embracing the courage to pursue something new. How do you navigate the complexities of transitioning to a career that better aligns with your passions and values? In this

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