Actionable Steps To Take To Live Your Dreams With Luana Bossetti

ACAN 40 Luana Bossetti | Dreams


Everyone has a dream. It could be small or big and vary from person to person. And everyone is looking for ways to possibly achieve those. The question is, what are you doing right now to take a step closer to them? Luana Bossetti, host of A Life Up to Your Dreams podcast, knew what she liked to do even at a young age. Luana is a multi-passionate entrepreneur with big dreams and vision. She wants to travel and see different places. She believes that you can do anything you put your mind and heart into. Knowing what you want will enable you to take one step at a time. Listen and find out more to turn your dreams into reality!

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Actionable Steps To Take To Live Your Dreams With Luana Bossetti

Over the course of weeks, months, especially when it’s winter, when it’s cold and things get stressful for a lot of people, not to exclude anyone in the tropics or Southern hemisphere, they are not experiencing that, but we all get bogged down in the day-to-day. Sometimes we forget about those intentions we made at the very beginning of the year. Intentions, resolutions, goals or whatever you want to call them.

I want to encourage you to go back and revisit them. Think about what you thought about the holiday break when you were reflecting on 2021 and thinking forward to 2022 and say, “Is this still what I want? How am I doing? Did I let other things bog me down? Am I making some progress toward these goals?” In this episode, I’d like to talk to you about some aspects of our mindset that can sometimes limit us. I have had the pleasure of meeting a lot of great people through this show and a lot of great people that have a similar idea and mission. The mission is to help more people live their authentic lives. Live the lives that they want as opposed to the ones that were laid out for you. The cookie-cutter scripted life, as I sometimes like to refer to it.

One of the things that I like to call the traditional mentality that we all oftentimes have is when we see someone doing something similar to ourselves. There’s an instinct to say that person’s a competitor or a threat. However, this particular mission of ours requires a slightly different way of thinking. I have had one previous episode where I’ve interviewed other podcasters with a very similar mission.

This particular show that I discovered is called A Life Up To Your Dreams. The host here with me is Luana Bossetti. Her podcast has a very similar mission to mine. I’m here trying to figure out how we can collaborate on the mission because getting through this old limiting culture is going to take as much alliance as opposed to us competing with one another. Luana, welcome to the show.

Thank you for having me here.

You are joining us from Majorca, Spain. Tell us a little bit about your place of residence because most of my guests have been other Coloradans thus far. I love exploring other places, cultures and stuff like that.

Majorca is a beautiful island in Spain, not far from Barcelona. It’s a beautiful place for people that want to connect with nature. You have everything from the sea to the mountains, waterfalls, and all you like. It’s a beautiful island that has a lot to offer. Unfortunately, most of the time, it is viewed, at least here in Europe, as the place to go only in the summer, but it’s so much more than that. It’s so rich in culture and there are different places to go hiking in nature. It’s a beautiful place for everybody if you want to visit Europe.

You mentioned hiking in nature, which is a big thing where I live in Colorado. It’s practically like a state religion that people do some hiking, backpacking and outdoor activity. Is that a major part of the culture? I’m thinking right now how Majorca would compare to a couple of nearby places. A lot of people know about Ibiza, which is known as a party place. Also, when you talk about Barcelona, I can’t help but think about the Catalonian and all the separatist movements going on there.

In Majorca, the thing is that there is obviously a beach because it’s an island, but in the middle of it, there is a big mountain that it’s called Tramuntana. It’s a chain of mountains and there you can go do amazing hiking in the summer or not in the summer because it’s too hot here. It gets to 40 degrees Celsius, but in the wintertime, it is perfect. It’s a good time to go hiking.

'Stay weird and stay different, because that's your superpower. Maybe you don't understand it now. I didn't understand it when I was in the middle of it... you will be able to find the courage to pursue anything.' Click To Tweet

The local people or the tourists who are more interested in nature do that. Unfortunately, we have this tourism that’s “cheap” that you go on all day to party and so on in the South with your families. Compared to Ibiza, it’s more a family island. In Ibiza, it’s party people, but it’s also beautiful. There’s hiking there. Depending on what you go to go for or what you know. If you meet with locals, you will know that my Majorca is so much more than beaches and Spanish tapas.

To orient my readers who are not familiar with the Celsius temperature scale. 40 degrees Celsius corresponds to 104 degrees Fahrenheit. Whenever you think of 104, you think of places like Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona and even Southern California type of deal. What is it like in the winter? Is the winter chilly or cold or very moderate, a good time? People here like the hike when it’s the 40s and 50s. Around 10 degrees Celsius is oftentimes a decent temperature to hike out, especially at higher elevations.

Here in the winter, it’s roughly about from 10 up until 20 degrees Celsius. You can go on winter dates. It’s always sunny here. We have a lot of sunny days most of the year. You can always go liking. In the winter it’s better because they have less tourists and people go and have a picnic or stay around. There is no traffic, so it’s easy to reach.

It’s not like your warm beach weather, the way you think of a place like Cancun or something like that but a great moderate pleasant weather. I think of people from Northern Europe. If someone lives in London or Stockholm or something and wants to go somewhere where they can have some warm weather, walk around outdoors and see some of those waterfalls you mentioned.

Here in Majorca, in the winter, it’s more people that come for hiking or to cycle because there are still lots of parts where you can cycle. It’s mainly people from Northern Europe, like Germany, especially to come to enjoy nature while it’s too cold in their country. They cannot go out and walk or hike.

It’s very important and I’ve covered in some previous episodes of this show how beneficial it can be to periodically get out there in nature. As I mentioned before, I’m not here to tell you what that has to look like. Some people prefer to do yoga in their city park. Other people prefer to go on as I do long-distance bike rides or any other type of activity, but it does help to observe the trees, water, mountains, and forest instead of observing screens as many people end up doing now.

As for me, I love the sea. Even in winter, I walk in the morning on the beach when there is nobody. It’s perfect. You see the sunrise. It’s beautiful on this side of the island. To walk in the morning with the sun coming up helps you because you as you said, I work on a computer. It’s a lot of time in front of a screen. That’s why it’s super important.

Your podcast is called A Life Up To Your Dreams. The first question I need to ask you is, do you feel where you are now that you’re living life up to your dreams?

Yes, totally. I choose a life up to my dreams several years ago when I left my hometown. It’s been different from all these years. I had different goals and dreams, but every time, I was living life up to my dreams because for me, it means the life I chose, created and built for myself instead of following what society was telling me to do like a route that was ready or from the script, as you call it. For several years, I’m living life up to my dreams.

ACAN 40 Luana Bossetti | Dreams
Dreams: Don’t share your dream with everybody because not everybody is there to listen and to encourage you.


You left your hometown. To orient the audience, where is your hometown?

It’s in Italy. I’m from the North of Italy, Brescia, which is close to Milan. I left my hometown there. It was a very small town. As with any small town all over the world, the mentality is very strict. It’s following step by step what everybody else was doing. Instead, I chose to leave my hometown and go explore the world and see because there was something else for me out there. That’s why I decided to go for this life.

Tell us a little bit about that particular mission because there are a lot of people who live by the script and never questioned it. What was going on in your head several years ago that made you realize, “I don’t want to live by the script? I want to live a life up to my dreams.” Did it put you into action to do it? I feel like there are probably a lot of readers out there who want something different but don’t know what to do or are not quite prepared to do it.

For many people, it’s a journey to prepare yourself to go live a life up to your dreams. I left Italy, I was 19, but since I was fifteen when I started high school, I always said the thing that, “I quite didn’t fit in the place, in the high school or in the small town where I was.” I always dreamed about going and exploring new places and living abroad, meeting people from different cultures. That day that I went to high school, I felt like, “No, I don’t want to go here.” In high school, I chose what will allow me to travel more because in Italy, when you reach high school age, you have to pick a major for your high school.

You go to university and you pick languages. We have to do it in high school because it depends on the major, your pick, you go to a different place. For me, I picked the languages and tourism. I was able to learn different languages and take some trips and do exchange projects with the school where I could go abroad and experience different cultures.

From the age of fifteen, I decided to go on this path to see if there were something more for me. If I could then be able to go abroad or live abroad. I started this journey before I left my hometown. It was ups and downs because I had the desire to go and every time there was a chance in school to take a project abroad, to go out and do an internship abroad, or in another place to be Italy, I would apply to it. Coming from a small town, most of my friends have the mentality to follow the script. I was always the different one.

The one didn’t want to go and check out university in the next town to see and then follow that route or go to a different corporation to submit my application or CV. I was only the one looking at a travel magazine or a scene where I could like go and work abroad. I had thoughts of separation from my friends. I even suffered from anxiety and depression that they needed to know at the time, but then looking back now, I can see that it was a year before my last year of high school.

I was fighting with myself because I wanted to conform to other people’s mentality and way of living, but on the other hand, I had this voice telling me, “No, you need to follow your gut. You need to go for this life.” After this journey throughout high school, I found courage. Thanks to a friend that at the time was one of my closest friends said to apply for the job abroad and leave Italy. I was nineteen when I left my hometown and was able to go for the life up to my dreams. It was a journey.

One of the things I’m curious about, here in the United States, we don’t pick a major until college. There are some people who will go to college undeclared and not pick a major until their junior year, a little bit later in life. Was this process of picking a major in high school at the age of fifteen, was this part of what prompted you to feel the way you felt about what life you wanted or was there something that happened before that made you start feeling the way you did?

Choose to explore the world because there is something else for you out there. Click To Tweet

I always knew that I wanted to travel and see new places. We can go and explore different high schools as you go in an open meeting for university. When I went to different ones, tourism and leaving were my top priority. It’s the feeling that I always had inside of me that I wanted something more. When I chose that I wanted something more, declared it to myself and chose the high school major, it’s when I saw that I was different from other people around.

This feeling that you encountered during your high school experience and high school is a tough time for a lot of people. Whether it’s in high school or some other point in life, we will all have the tendency to encounter these periods of time where it’s like, “I feel different. If only I was happy with the cookie-cutter, the conformity. I’m so jealous of the people that are happy doing what everyone else does. They seem to fit in. They get invited to all the parties. They always have people wanting to hang out?” What advice would you give to anyone that’s struggling through that and get through that and find that life up to their dreams as opposed to folding and going with the flow?

I have some advice that I heard at an Oscar Awards. They gave this award to a screenplay writer that said this thing that has stuck with me since then, “Stay weird and stay different because that’s your superpower.” Maybe you don’t understand it now like I didn’t understand when I was in the middle of it. If you keep following your interests and things, even if that may make you different from other people. It may make you made fun of or judged by other people, and then you will be able to find the courage to pursue.

To stay true to yourself and cherish your dream. Don’t share them with everybody because not everybody is there to listen and to encourage you. Keep them inside of you, on your notebook or journal like you keep your goals and intention. Always connect to them because that will be the energy or the inspiration that will lead you to find the courage to pursue the life of your dreams that you want.

One of your key experiences was finding a friend of yours that was encouraging and that’s a key experience for a lot of people. Very few things are done completely alone. I have my show, but I’m thankful and grateful that there were other shows out there. Your podcast, A Life Up to Your Dreams has a very similar mission to mine, encouraging people to live what they want as opposed to what everyone else wants for you. That’s the way you put it, which is great.

Let’s say someone reading now doesn’t feel like they have that group of people to support. They are a standard sophomore year in high school. Everyone’s making fun of for being different. What’s the best way to find that person or those people that are going to look at you and see your superpower as you put it and say, “This is great. I want to encourage you to continue to be different as opposed to joining the mob and mocking you?”

It’s a little bit easier than when I was in high school because with all these social media, we can easily get in contact with people from all over the world. When I want to pursue something, I go into an environment where people have this energy or vibration. It can be an Instagram page or a Facebook group or I join a group. Maybe now you have some groups at university or some groups where they have the same interests.

If you’re interested in music, you can go to the music group. You can find some groups either online or offline where people understand you. This friend that I have decided that she didn’t want to live in this small town. She was going to university in England. We connected because we had the same interest. We wanted to go away from this small town where we grew up and to find our own path that was different from what everybody else wanted. That connected us.

We needed this connection to get encouraged and continue to find the courage to pursue this life. Find your tribe or group, either online or offline, that can treasure your dream and can support and encourage you. Even with the podcast, it’s easy. That’s why both our shows are super important because I found a lot of inspiration from podcasts that I listen and I say, “This is exactly how I feel. I feel like people understand me. I feel seen. You feel good because you think you’re weird and that’s your superpower. When you find the people that are weird like you in a way, that’s where you feel like you belong and connect.

ACAN 40 Luana Bossetti | Dreams
Dreams: Keep your goals and intention and always connect to them because that will be the energy and inspiration that will then lead you to find the courage to pursue the life of your dreams.


It’s interesting because it opens up a whole new avenue by which to connect. When you think of the small-town life that you’re talking about and traditionally is the way it was back in the Middle Ages and before we had cars and everything. The people you connected with were all geographically driven. It was all the people who happened to be living next to you.

Whereas technology, starting with railroad and automobile, even before social media opened up a little more avenues, you could branch out a little more and find more people. Social media is another means by which to do this. Unfortunately, we do have a lot of people who are using social media the wrong way and making people more aggravated.

I’ve had this conversation with a couple of other guests previously on this show. If you have any thoughts or insights as to how we can use social media in a way that enhances our life or, in your case, it seems you’ve even used it to facilitate real-life contact with some of the people that you meet. Is there an answer or mindset you need to come into whenever you log onto one of these platforms and saying, “I’m not going to go into this forum and argue with people who disagree with me and call them names? I’m going to use this to find my tribe and find something that’s going to enhance my life?”

The mindset that I normally have, every time I want to find somebody or a group, podcast or something, we set a little intention to myself and to the universe, saying like, “Show me the way where I can find these people.” I love the Facebook groups for this reason because I type on Facebook what I’m looking for, like conscious community or self-growth community or something that I am interested in.

I find the best people and they lead me to podcasts and coaching. I applied to some programs through your people in the Facebook group. I found a lot of my guests through a Facebook group. It’s important to set an intention that you will find people for music or for whatever topic you are interested or for whatever things you are struggling with because they can help you. If you scroll, maybe you will see people. For me, I see people from my past. The travels are not in alignment with what I’m doing now.

Maybe in a way, it drags you down. You’re going into a conversation that is a dead end because if you have different opinions, it brings you down. Instead, I prefer to go into these groups to talk to people who feel the same. I found so many friends during the pandemic, especially through these groups and they are considered my best friends and they live on the other side of the world. That was amazing for me. Especially during the pandemic, this was a very important place where I could connect with people. Don’t go arguing with other people about what you are different, but try to find people like you to inspire you.

Is this intention-setting a networking event that you believe can also apply in real life? We all have different types of networking events wherever town or city we live in where it could be the same thing. I remember when I first started networking a few years ago, I would come home with this big stack of business cards and a good number of these connections would not go anywhere.

I’ve matured since then and found a way to deepen some of these connections as opposed to collecting a lot of business cards. Is that an important part there too? Whatever event you’re going to, before going, if you set some an intention like, “I want to meet someone that’s going to tell me about their story starting a business because I’m starting a business,” or something like that, wherever you are in your journey?

For me, setting an intention is super important. It’s like asking the universe clearly what you want and what you would like to attract and manifest in your life. If you ask to find your tribe or find people interested in veganism, for example, you go and you will meet people in alignment with you. I always believe that if we trust, the universe will always give us an answer or lead us to what we are looking for or what serves us. Sometimes it leads us to people that maybe don’t serve us to remember what we are looking for. In a way, setting the intention is important to be able to ask the universe something. When you ask, you will get a response back.

A Facebook group is a way to find the best people that you’re looking for. Click To Tweet

When you talk about people who don’t serve us or people on the wrong frequency or wavelength, the wrong vibe, what do you think is the easiest way for someone reading this to identify if they’re in the wrong circle?

It depends on the values that you have. My core values are freedom, community and service. I want to find people that are of the same values. They want to create a community and they want to inspire people and serve people. That’s how I find my guests. I found you because you want to share the same things as me.

I will not go find these people in a group where they party every night at 7:00 PM. If I want to do a party, then I will go there, but if I want to have a deep conversation, I will go to this amazing group that is called Conscious Community. It’s where I find people that are interested in the same things as me. They want to do moon circles or things like that. It’s important that you know what you want and you will attract what you want.

You inadvertently stumbled on one of my life’s struggles, to be completely honest, because I also value both freedom and community. The right for you to self-determine your life, be an individual, not conform to everyone’s standards, not have everyone butt-in telling you what to do all the time, but also have a community. I’ve had a lot of people throughout my life hint around or tell me that those two goals are not compatible.

They’re mutually exclusive and you have to choose one of the other. If you’re going to be in a community, you have to give up some freedom. The quintessential example of a truly free individual is the introvert that loves to live in the wilderness by themselves and sustain themselves on fish they catch from the river or something like that. I’m curious about how to go about taking anything that at the surface sounds or is presented as competing goals and understanding that they can be simultaneous truths and that you can find a way to want and have both things.

I see what you mean because sometimes l want freedom. To be by myself when I want, do my own things, compete against the community, and be with people. It goes back to having the same values and mentality again because if we are both community-oriented and we want freedom in that, we can have it if the other person values the same thing. If you value freedom and I value freedom, but we both value community, we’ll find a way to respect each other’s values. My friends know that I need to have time by myself to recharge. That’s super important for me, but I want to interact with them and do that. We respect each other.

It’s another level of relationship in terms of communicating what’s your needs. From there, be able to have it all we can have it all if we have the right people. Sometimes in the past, they couldn’t have this because it was like, “I value freedom. I want to be by myself,” but the people around were not on the same path or journey, so it was hard. It takes a lot of effort and communication to express what you need to other people and make these two values together.

I think of the quintessential example of a high school clique where what they seem to value is all their friends liking the same stuff, wearing the same clothing, liking the same musical acts and things like that. What you’re saying is that we’re going out there, we’re finding your people who have the same values and maybe the people who value individuality can have a community. They will say, “You like to do this instead of that and that’s interesting,” rather than that’s something that threatens me or makes me not want to be around you.

We’re all different in a way. We all have our needs and our values. If we communicate with them and if we explore the things about others and respect them, then it’s a way to create this community that we all need and want.

ACAN 40 Luana Bossetti | Dreams
Dreams: Find your group, either online or offline, that can treasure your dream and can support and encourage you as well.


It seems like you alluded to this. We like to talk about this divide between extroverts and introverts, but even the most extroverted person needs alone time and even the most introverted person needs connection with people. There’s a lot more in common there. It’s a matter of what level you need it and what standards you hold your conversations. You talked about having the courage to leave your hometown several years ago, explore other places, and meet people outside. What inspired you to decide to start this into a podcast, into A Life Up to Your Dreams?

Throughout the years where I’ve been traveling a little bit all over the world, I was meeting people and all the time, they were telling me, “You are brave. You can do this, but I could never do that for XYZ reasons.” During the pandemic, I was like, “I truly believe that everybody can do it because I changed my life during the pandemic. It’s not just me but many people as well. They completely understood what they wanted. They left jobs. They decided to go different ways because it took time to reflect on being at home during the pandemic.

The fire inside of me all the time, it’s when I hear people say, “No, I cannot. You can, she can, but I cannot do that.” After a lot of reflection during the pandemic last year in 2021, I decided I felt all that. I know there are people out there that are feeling the same. I want to put it out. I have always wanted to write a book. I decided to start with that. The book obviously was not enough because a lot of people like reading and relate more to the conversation in stories, more personal where you share more details about it.

I said, “Let’s start a podcast where I can reach more people and I can meet people myself to bring on the podcast and share stories about how they did it.” People know me and they know I’m determined. I do whatever I set my mind to because I’ve always done it in the good part. Maybe they don’t relate to my story personally because they are on a different journey in their life. They have different backgrounds or ages.

I was like, “I want to bring people from all the backgrounds that I possibly can, different ages and different stories to show others that it doesn’t matter. If you are a mom, retired or in high school, you can start on this journey and create a life up to your dreams whenever and whatever you plan. You can start now if you want.” That inspired me to start the podcast.

I have the same mission of sharing all these stories. I always think of these people who are in the middle, essentially. I imagined that there are people who have already achieved their life up to their dreams. They have a business that they’re proud of or they’ve built whatever other aspect of the life they want. You have the people who are in the script, but they’re content with it. They’re like, “I’m happy with the 9:00 to 5:00. That’s how things are.”

There are always people in the middle. There is this restlessness. Every single week, there’s a new article out there with new statistics on this phenomenon called the Great Resignation. It’s about how many people are up and quitting their jobs because of what the whole experiment of work from home during the pandemic had taught us that a lot of this BS from before wasn’t necessary.

Being chained to your desk is not what most people want. These people who are resigning and these people who are reading these stories, what do you think is a good first step to do a little bit more introspection and figure out what is my dream life, as opposed to what someone else’s dream for me was or is it something completely different?

For me, the first step for these people will be to reconnect to their dreams. When we’re kids, we have a lot of dreams and we dream all day. We have a lot of these dreams and when we reach high school or adulthood, we put these dreams aside and we go for whatever path we see is good for us at the moment. The first thing is to go deep inside of you. Talk to this inner child you have inside of you because no matter what age you are, you always have this inner child or voice inside you and do a reconnection. If you like meditation, write or find a way to reconnect to the truest part of you, the one that is most innocent, these dreams that you are not afraid to dream.

Find the people who have the same values as you are and those who value individuality. Click To Tweet

From there, when you’re connected to this part, this inner child will tell you what you want. When you know exactly what you want, you can take the first step into creating a plan or whatever, but the very first step will be to re-spark these dreams and reconnect to these dreams. In Italy, we say, “When you are old, you put some dreams on your bedside table and you leave it there.” You don’t pursue them. At this time, when you are in the middle of decisions, take out your dreams from the bedside table and re-spark them. That’s the first most important thing.

This reminds me of what I feel every time I interact with children, especially children between the ages of 3 and 6, 3 and 7. When they’re at the age where they’re old enough to have a little bit more complex thoughts than a toddler but not quite to the age where, I don’t want to say trained how to be practical, but stuff where the average 4-year-old comes in and they start doing things.

They don’t care what other people’s perceptions of what they’re doing. They don’t care what people looking at them think about whatever game they made up. It’s a game they made up. It’s an interesting mindset to reconnect with from time to time, even in adulthood, because sometimes there has to be room to dream a little bit.

Maybe one good advice would be to go to your cousin or little kids of your friends and play with them for a minute and you will see that they will tell you, “I want to be an astronaut.” When I was an au pair, I had a kid that was like, “When I grow up, I will marry you.” It was funny to hear because she was six. “What do you want to be when you grow up?” “I want to marry Luana.” It makes you re-spark those dreams because they are innocent and that’s who we are on the inside.

I remember hearing a story a couple of years ago about a five-year-old that went up to his grandpa and says, “Grandpa, if the news makes you sad, why do you watch the news every day?” What’s the big question as opposed to grandpa and the story probably took it for granted as ground truth, like, “I watch the news every day. That’s what I’m supposed to do.” A couple of other questions I want to get to. First of all, if anyone reading wants to know about your book, where would someone go about it? What’s a title and what is it about?

The title is the same as the podcast because I decided to go and continue in this line. It’s A Life Up To Your Dreams and it’s available worldwide on Amazon. If you feel like it sparks your interest, you can go there and it’s available on the Kindle or on the paperback. Soon, hopefully on the audio version also.

The final question I wanted to get at is a little bit of some of the cultural differences that you’ve observed growing up in small-town, Northern Italy, living in Majorca, having traveled to some other places. We have this whole challenge about how we view people, whether we view people as competitors or allies. Now, I feel my mission on this show. I need to see people like you as allies as opposed to competitors if we’re going to help more people live the life up to their dreams, more people live authentically, which is going to open up a flood gate of amazing new innovation if people stop doing what they feel like they were told to do and what was interesting them.

One of my questions is, have you observed places in the world where it’s easier to do this or harder to do this? Do you think it’s more of a mission of exploring other cultures? As long as you don’t stay stuck in your one culture and interact with people from different cultures, you’re more likely to get to this place where you’re living the life you want.

It’s a lot of cultures and where you come from, where you were brought up because, for example, I was brought up in a family that never traveled or they were always there. I saw a lot of competition even in school. To compete against each other when in the end, nobody was winning. We were all going towards the same destination to graduate. There was a lot in Italy and I see the same here in Europe in general. In some places, most people are like, “This person is doing the same thing. We have this same business. It’s a competition.” Having you on the show and finding these guests that are on a similar mission, I see that we are allies.

ACAN 40 Luana Bossetti | Dreams
Dreams: It’s important to really be able to ask the universe something because when you ask, you will get a response back.


It’s super important because I cannot reach all the people that I want in the world because I lived on this side. Maybe I reach people here or I reach certain people and not everybody will relate to me and to my voice. Some people will relate to your voice, some people relate to other voices. It’s important that even if we share the same message, we share it together because that’s the way we can raise the vibration and attract more people into being true to themselves.

I describe myself as a visionary. One of my purposes of being here on this lifetime is to raise the vibration of the planet. I cannot do it alone. I need more people with the same message to do so. When I was in California, it was more like the lifestyle and mindset that the culture was more open to this because even my family when I was working there encouraged me to pursue my dreams in a way that I never had people encouraged me in that way.

They were like, “It doesn’t matter if there are people that have the same mission or whatever. We’re all together to create a better world.” It depends a bit on the place. You travel, you see different cultures. It’s like in Europe, you keep going with these beliefs or if you expanded them into different beliefs because of your travel or you did an inner journey.

When you talk about raising the vibration level, what does the world look like to you many years down the road after making some progress on our mission to bring that vibration level up or bring more people into their lives up to their dreams?

When people live a life up to their dreams, they’re more authentic and happier. They have more uplifting feelings. They love what they do, so they generate this feeling of love into their lives and then expand into the people they are surrounded by and the people they communicate with. The world will be lovelier. There will be more love in terms there will be less wars between people and more alliance because we saw during COVID, especially that we’re all in this together and we need to create a community instead to create distance between people.

If we create more love in what we are doing and more people love what they’re doing, then we vibrate love. One of my visions is always people holding hands with different colors of skin, different backgrounds, all together dancing this rhythm and this love and music because that’s what we are. We are made of love. Love will be the best word.

It reminds me of my dream at the train station will one day no longer be this time where everyone looks grumpy and everyone’s gripping for their coffee. People are with their headphones by themselves and more likely to be talking to one another, looking around saying good day, in a way that can be friendly, even with a densely populated area, because I do love densely populated areas. I come from New York.

Luana, thank you so much for joining us and sharing your story. It’s very inspirational. I love the way you can connect to people. Even at a younger age, high school can be a pretty lonely time for dreamers. It’s weird because it’s the one time when we’re all forced to be around people every single day. It sounds very un-lonely to a lot of middle-aged people now, but it can be pretty lonely when you see everybody is in column A and you and maybe two other people out of 1,000 are in this column B or it even goes beyond this gross simplification. I made out of the whole thing.

I would like to encourage everyone out there to check out A Life Up To Your Dreams. If you need a few more voices on top of the ones I’ve already provided, a few more stories. Even as I put these out once a week, maybe there are people out there who aren’t even good enough once a week if you’re bingeing and diving into it.

I would like to encourage everyone to get out there and explore their inner child, explore what your dreams are, and if you know what your dreams are, start taking them seriously because it’s something worth having. It’s worth having a life up to your dreams and I’d like to encourage everyone to continue whatever intentions that you have set for the year 2022. However, we are many weeks into the year when you’re reading this. Tune back into the show for more interesting interviews with other people who are on some path in their journey of living their authentic lives, their lives up to their dreams, what they want to create and see in this world. Thank you.

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About Luana Bossetti

ACAN 40 Luana Bossetti | DreamsLuana Bossetti is a multi-passionate entrepreneur with big dreams and vision. She is a world traveler with a big passion for personal growth. She is an inspirational speaker and author. She is also the founder of A Life up to your dreams Podcast and she has a mission to inspire as many people as possible to live a life on their on terms, a life they chose, a life up to their dreams.