Coaching and Personal Development

Podcast episodes where I interview people who are in the business of coaching or personal development.

Unlocking Your Potential: Guide to Immersive Spiritual Transformation with Anjali Konojia

Have you ever found yourself in a difficult situation where you feel like you’ve hit a dead end and don’t know how to move forward? Maybe something isn’t going as planned or you’re struggling to make progress. It can be confusing and overwhelming to navigate this kind of uncertainty. Join me as I sit down with Anjali Konojia, an expert in spiritual growth and personal development. In this episode, we explore the benefits of immersive

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Mindfulness: How to Connect with Yourself and to Others with Ashton August

Self-care doesn’t just involve sitting around doing nothing. Listening to one’s own thoughts, absorbing, and analyzing all that occurred during the day are all parts of spending time with yourself.  In a day with 24 hours, we spend about 15 of them awake after deducting the hours we sleep. How much of it are we spending with ourselves? And what value do we place on ourselves? In this week’s episode, YouAligned Founder and Content Director

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Financial Planning May Look Different for Gen Z and Millennials with Zechariah Schaefer

Even in a small firm or for yourself, a financial plan is very important. It’s a road map, a guideline, and a reminder of what you want to accomplish.. But in this contemporary time, what is the optimal way to maximize money and maximize your life ? In this week’s episode, Ascent Personal Finance Founder Zechariah Schaefer joins us to discuss the ever-changing financial industry for Gen Z and Millennials, crypto, retirement, and much more. 

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The Art of Hypnotherapy and How The Mind Works with Matthew Brownstein

The human mind is the source of our thinking. Our ideas, emotions, and behaviors are all interconnected. Thus, influencing how we feel and act. Negative thinking, on the other hand, can contribute to issues such as social anxiety, harmful habits, and stress. So, is it possible to adjust our mindset in order to overcome difficulties and accomplish more in life? In this week’s episode, Matthew Brownstein delves into the different modalities of hypnotherapy, the philosophy

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Finding Your Calling and Purpose of Work In Your Life with Bryan Dik

At some point in life, we are hindered from seeing what we desire. Perhaps a lack of self-confidence and motivation drives us to be lost in the path. Nevertheless, how can we overcome these barriers through guidance and predictive science?  On this week’s episode of Actions Antidote, we talk to Bryan Dik, Co-Founder and Chief Science Officer of jobZology. Bryan Dik shares his knowledge and the science behind finding the meaning and purpose of workplace

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Ditch Perfectionism, Strive For Progress with Audrey Holst

Are you at a crossroads in your life and don’t seem to be making progress toward your goals? We all know that we should give our all and aim for excellence in all that we do, but what happens when this desire for success becomes toxic? Everyday, we look forward to something productive, successful and even joyful. However, not everything will go the way we wanted and that could lead to self-doubt and languish. As

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The Power of Purpose and Why It Matters Today with Ariel Naftali

Finding a sense of purpose is important to our well-being. As you grow and live your life, your purpose also grows. Following it can lead you to fulfillment. It’s like your roadmap. Think about this: When you have a sense of purpose, you tend to experience joy, happiness, and satisfaction more often. It gives you the ability to become resilient, hopeful, and optimistic about the future. When it comes to purposes, our guest Ariel Naftali

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Empowering Beliefs and Behaviors To Live By With Hannah Gfeller

“The only thing that will change your life, change your business, change your relationship, is that you must raise your standards.” We have goals in life, and nothing in this world has the power to set us in the right direction more than ourselves. We are the authors of our own book. And it’s up to us how we write it and how we act accordingly. Behavior is always something that we overlook, but it

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A Community for Women Leaders With Laura Bennett & Kellie Jenkins

Coaching can take on many forms, it’s a bond, a connection and it does not end with one-on-one training, as we imagine it to be. Depending on the project, company, team, or individual, any of these coaching approaches can be beneficial and the most effective leaders will use all of these ways to confidently take on leadership roles. Our guests, Laura Bennett and Kellie Jenkins, founders of “Her Brilliance,” are both accomplished leaders. These two

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