Medical Science, Redox Signaling Molecules, And The Health Breakthrough Product To Change Your Life With Jackie Wetzler And Debbie Wetzler

ACAN 27 | Health Breakthrough Product


What do redox molecules do to your body? What are the benefits of these molecules? In this episode, Stephen Jaye talks with Jackie Wetzler and her mother Debbie Wetzler about these redox molecules, which technically is a term wherein they combine the word reductions and oxidants. Their product, called ASEA, is a cellular regenerative technology that helps us replenish these lost molecules to stay healthy and have a better future ahead of us. They want to spread awareness and make this product known to the world to help more people and have a more meaningful purpose in their life.

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Medical Science, Redox Signaling Molecules, And The Health Breakthrough Product To Change Your Life With Jackie Wetzler And Debbie Wetzler

This show is all about re-thinking and being open to new possibilities in a wide range of areas of life, from how we set up work, our careers, community, relationships and health. One of the big transitions we have seen over the past decade is a transition that I have been observing from reactive to more proactive health. Reactive health is something we can think about along the lines of you get sick.

The crassest way of putting it is that people get sick and go to the doctor to buy back their health. More people are coming up with solutions that are geared not toward buying back their health but being more proactive. Whether it’s diet or exercise or whether it’s other new technologies and other new products.

Here, with me are Jackie Wetzler and her mom, Debbie Wetzler, who are involved in selling a product called ASEA, which is a cellular regenerative technology. We have heard people talk about cellular regeneration, cellular aging and how that process impacts our health. As well as how that process and some of these technologies have the potential to help people with some of these other diseases, whether it be cardiovascular disease, cancer and everything else. Welcome to the show, Jackie and Debbie.

Thank you for having us.

Let’s start by talking a little bit about this cellular regenerative technology and ASEA, the product itself and how this breakthrough has the potential to change the way we look at our health.

I was introduced to this technology many years ago. I looked at what it was and they were called redox signaling molecules, which I have never heard of. I found that they were made in almost every cell of your body. They are the molecules that literally go and find damaged cells anywhere, send a very clear signal to the immune system with the address of where to go, so the immune system can then go find that damaged cell because our body is a cellular communication network and the body, has to be told what to do, the cells communicate for that reason. The immune system can then come in and find the damaged cells, and either repair or replace them. I had never heard of them and we wanted validation. The friend who told me about this that it had saved three of her best friend’s lives.

I trusted her completely but I also wanted to know more about it. I think as humans, we all want to know for sure ourselves that this is real. I happened to have a very smart girlfriend. She was a Molecular Biologist that had graduated from Johns Hopkins. She had done years of research at the National Institutes of Health.

I called her up. I drove to her house that night. I put the information down. I said, “I need to know, is this real? Have you ever heard of this?” She looked at me and almost fell off her chair. She said, “Debbie, I have been studying molecules for many years. We have had scientists from around the world come to NIH to try to do this. Are you telling me that somebody was finally able to stabilize these molecules outside the human body in a bioactive form?”

I looked at her and said, “Yes,” like it was no big deal. She said, “You have no idea how massive this is. This will change the health field as you know it.” I remember getting the chills and she said, “Take a look at this. This is a textbook.” She took a 4-inch-thick textbook down from her shelf. She said, “I normally have this at work to do research but I brought it home this weekend to do extra research and you happen to come tonight.”

I opened the textbook and it was all about redox molecules on every single page. I was like, “How do we not know about this if this is so big?” She said, “Virtually, not too many people pay attention to science.” I said, “You are right about that.” She told me she was the first one to tell me that the molecules were so tiny. They are four atoms big or smaller and that, they will cross the blood-brain barrier.

She said, “Not only will you have amazing results in the body but you are also going to have amazing results with all the mental problems that people have.” You can imagine what those are, memory loss and damage to the brain. She told me all about it at that point. That’s how I was introduced. Once I found out that they had done about $5 million worth of safety studies to prove it was completely non-toxic, it couldn’t harm anything, any living thing, I then started telling all my friends and family about it.

You were naturally telling people about it. This is something that’s come up in previous episodes of this show, especially with people’s ideas. A lot of people have an aversion to sales but if you are naturally going to tell people about it and I had a previous guest say that, “If you believe in something and you think it’s going to be good for someone, it’s almost doing them a disservice not to sell it to them.” Not just almost. He’s clear on this particular point. You are doing them a disservice if you don’t sell it to us. One of the questions I have might be a controversial topic in the end but why is it the general medical world, where a lot of people have not heard about this redox, this breakthrough that you are talking about?

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They know all about redox. They study it in medical school. It’s not that it’s a bad alternative. They don’t know it’s stabilized yet. That’s what they don’t know. They have been trying to stabilize it. We came along. We stabilized it. We were trying to be shut down by a pharmaceutical company so that it wouldn’t get out because if you are healthy, you don’t need drugs. They have tried to cover it, basically. We are up against a big source because we are very disruptive. That’s what they don’t know.

They don’t know it’s stabilized, so they don’t necessarily know everything redox can do. We have been seeing it for many years. Doctors do study it stirring in the Krebs Cycle. I won’t go into a lot of science or anything but your mitochondria throw off reductions and oxidants, and they have combined those terms into redox now. It’s not an alternative. It’s something that your body produces all the time. If you didn’t, you would be dead.

Jackie, are you going to add anything to that?

Do you want to say something, Jackie?

No, she covered it pretty well.

It’s the scientist or some people who are unaware of this technological breakthrough, where rather than these redox molecules naturally existing within your body or as some other people are pursuing the path of regenerating within your body allowing it to be stabilized outside. You said that there is a good amount of research and safety trials. Is there a group of people that are aware of this due diligence that has been done around this product?

Yes, there are thousands of people now. It started with a group of a few people. By the way, why do you need more of these in your body, is that you start losing them at age ten or about when you hit puberty. You lose 10% per decade. As you get older, you don’t heal as quickly as a five-year-old. Most people do know that. That’s because you have lost a lot of these redox molecules and the signals get weaker as you get older. That’s why replacing these can help you stay younger and help you heal much faster from anything that you are going with and/or it protects you in the future. If your body is constantly finding damage, and repairing and replacing it, then you don’t usually get sick, have a disease or something like that.

There are thousands of doctors now who have joined ASEA because they have done their due diligence and own studies. They know they studied it in medical school. Now, they are looking to see what it does so there are thousands of doctors in it and many scientists and things like that. That’s our job in spreading the word to let people know that it is.

We had to be very careful because it’s very disruptive. We didn’t have the money, to begin with, to go up against the pharmaceutical company. Our founder was a strategic business genius and he was Vice President of Strategy for Kraft Foods. He knew how to run a company and a business. He took this knowledge and had to decide the best way to get it out because he was going to sell it.

As I said to a pharmaceutical company, we are lucky that he got it on 40 people that were friends and family members of his, who had major health challenges. He gave him the product and said, “Please, try it. There’s a perceived health benefit.” That’s all he told them. In two and a half months, they turned around in their health so phenomenally that they sent it to 135 more people in twenty countries. He knew he had something here.

ACAN 27 | Health Breakthrough Product
Health Breakthrough Product: You have to do something that can help give your life more purpose because this does touch so many people and is changing the world.


That’s when he called the pharmaceutical company in. They took a look at all the studies and the science and evidence that he had at the time. We have a lot more now. They said, “We want this and we are prepared to give you a check so large that you don’t talk to anyone else. If you take the check, you and everybody come off the product immediately.” He looked at him and said, “That’s hard. Some of these people are only alive because they are on the product.” They said, “That’s the cost of doing business. We lose people all the time. Let him go.”

He stood up luckily and looked him in the eye and said, “I can’t tell these people they can’t have it anymore, so I’m going to have to turn down your check.” At that point, it hit him that it’s probably never going to come out. He thought to himself, “If I don’t start a company to get this out, the world will never hear about this and I want the world to know about this.” It became an image and a vision of him to create a legacy for the world. That’s what he wanted to be known for and he certainly has. This has turned around many people’s lives.

He went home and he’s brilliant. He did his due diligence and found that the best way to tell people about this was exactly what had already happened with those 40 people. They ended up having such amazing results that they shared this with people. It’s like, I would say, “Jackie or Stephen, this is what this did for me. You might want to try it. It can’t hurt you.” That’s how it spread. It became part of a relationship or network marketing. That’s how he decided to get it out to the world. If you have had an experience like that, it’s like using Windex and it cleans your windows. You tell people about it. That’s how this works.

I love that story about how the impact is more important than that check because it’s easy to take that check. The impact is what he was after now. Jackie, you sell these products alongside your mother. What does selling a product that’s helping people with their health and having these health outcomes that you observe with your customers or anyone else that you introduced to us mean to you? How does that mean to you as far as a career, a life path or whatever you consider it?

My story is a little different. When my mom was introduced to this many years ago, I thought it was another snake oil, basically. I was already young and healthy. I was 21 years old at the time. I didn’t have this profound impact on technology. I didn’t take the product, network marketing and the whole company seriously. It was through my own journey where I had become a news reporter, an anchor and realized after doing that for about a year and a half, that was not my dream job. I was looking for something that would give me a purpose in life that would help people in a big way. I have always been into health and fitness and so forth.

People are always fearful of things they don’t understand. Click To Tweet

I didn’t want the 9:00 to 5:00 grind. I wanted to be my own boss. I was craving that time and financial freedom being a young person. Long story short, I ended up getting on the phone with this friend of ours who’s a life coach. She said, “Jackie, based on what you are looking for in the perfect job, you might want to talk to your mom.” I rolled my eyes because I told my mom I would never do what she was doing. Little did I know of how this technology has already impacted the world, the science behind it, and why it’s being brought through network marketing?

The biggest impact is how big of an impact my own mother had been making. How many tens of thousands of lives she has touched and changed with this technology? I remember thinking to myself when I had gone to this event and seen that I wanted to be my mom one day and make this big of an impact as well. It’s given us both a purpose in life and a mission to continue to share this and spread this throughout the world.

What I love about that story is it points out a key point. A lot of people only look within themselves for impact. When you are young, that process that you are talking about losing these redox molecules is not taking its toll. I remember when I was 21, I was able to stay up until 4:30 in the morning and get up at 7:30 for the next day without batting an eye. You don’t see that impact until quite a bit later.

The ability to see how it impacts others can bring something home. How are you observing the lives of the people that you are touching because when you care about something and believe in something, you are going to naturally tell people about it anyway? What are you seeing in the lives of the people that you are impacting and how does that impact your life?

As we said, these molecules don’t care what the damaged cell is called. Their primary job is to go find those damaged cells and signal the immune system where the immune system comes in and starts repairing and replacing those cells. We have seen an impact with virtually any health challenge or disease that you can think of.

That’s what makes this technology so incredible and unique is that it allows the body to heal itself. That’s where we see incredible miracles happen. It doesn’t matter what the health challenge is called. I didn’t have a profound impact myself but it’s by sharing it with others, knowing that I know now how this can help them with whatever doctors call it.

Whether it’s called Alzheimer’s, cancer, cardiovascular disease and all those things. First of all, a little overview. How does the product work when people take it? Is it a gel? Is it a pill?

It’s a liquid and a gel. You drink it and you rub it. It’s easy. It’s based on your age and what’s going on with your body is what we recommend of how much to drink this. People start with 4 ounces a day. It’s like the baseline of the drink. It’s recommended to drink more if you are older than 50 and/or have some health challenges.

ACAN 27 | Health Breakthrough Product
Health Breakthrough Product: It’s so much more cost-effective to be proactive about your health as opposed to getting a disease and having to deal with it.


The gel came out 4 to 5 years later because they had to find a very benign clay to make these molecules into a gel version and still have them be redox molecules. It came out for people’s faces to look younger because it regenerates skin cells by 16%. In 28 days, you can see a difference with wrinkles, fine lines and skin texture, moisture, and elasticity, all by about 20%. When people were rubbing the gel on their faces, they noticed their head discomfort was going away. It has been incredible for any muscular, joint discomfort as well but we use a gel for virtually any damaged cell that’s external as well to the body.

If you are feeling some joint discomfort and I say this because back in the day, I did Ride The Rockies. When your neck is in the bicycling position for eight hours a day, you will feel some discomfort. I reached for CBD oil myself as the way to counteract that. That’s something you can throw on to anywhere you are feeling discomfort. One of the other things I’m wondering about the product itself is that, is there any other recommendations with the product such as certain foods, dieting, exercise regimes or is it generally trying to be proactive and be healthy?

You are replenishing something you have lost over time. It’s completely transparent to any medication as well. You are adding something that you lost over time and so it’s already inside of you.

We do talk to people about their health, though. We suggest that, especially, if they’ve got blood sugar level issues or something like that, they look into their diet. They make sure that they are eating properly. If they are getting enough sleep, that they are drinking good water that has been filtered normally because our water systems aren’t great in the country. We suggest if you are going to look at your health, to look at everything but this is only a way to protect you in the future by replenishing things that aren’t being made in your body anymore.

I also need to ask about this one pet issue I have. I absolutely despise the afternoon energy crash. It’s something that I have had various levels of success. I saw a dietician and it helped for a while but then I fell off the wagon. A lot of it is like some combination of caffeine and sugar. Does ASEA help with that afternoon energy crash or is it still important to control your caffeine and sugar levels?

It absolutely can control it. One of the first studies they took it to was the North Carolina Research Institute with Dr. David Neiman and did a metabolite study on athletes. They were going to do it on athletes. Before they ever did any athletic ability, they found that it turned around so many metabolites and you went into fatty acid metabolism.

What that means is that you are now drawing from the fatty acids around your abdomen and your organ, and that leaves the glycogen in your brain and your muscles where it’s needed. Your endurance is about 20% more, so you don’t have that afternoon crashes. For athletes, it’s spectacular because you can go about 20% further. You have a more volume of oxygen in your blood system and your lungs by about 12%. Steroids, which are illegal, give you about 3%. This is completely legal. You’ve got that and then you recover so much faster.

It also balances every system in your body. It’s balancing blood sugar level issues, so you are not having that crash. You don’t need the sugar anymore. As a matter of fact, a lot of people don’t crave sweets and stuff once they get on this because their body is balanced now. It’s amazing since it goes to literally every system in the body and starts balancing it out. It’s amazing the way you feel about it.

Given what you said, I think it is a good point in time. I like to give my audience a chance to always get some more information. If they are interested in the product or in getting ahold of you, where should anyone that has heard the impact of ASEA and wants more information go to?

Jackie, why don’t you tell them your stuff?

People can contact me, whether they would like to call me or text me. My number is (301) 502-8716 or my email is

Now, you have heard all about the product. I’m wondering about network marketing in general. You said that this product is being brought to people via network marketing out of necessity because literally, these pharmaceutical companies were ready to pay you off to not have it there. They weren’t even buying the product, which is what most people expect back when they invent something. That’s your standard exit story. To bring everything by network marketing, how is that process generally going? Are there enough people hearing about it to have an impact on our overall health or are there still large portions? I remember I wasn’t that aware of this whole thing several years ago.

We have had an impact but if people are worried about the opportunity, there’s still 98% of the population that haven’t heard about it. We are in 35 countries and in the top 50 network marketing companies in the world. We are this big giant that nobody knows about. I think part of that is because it is science and people tend to shy away from science. You not only have to know what redox molecules are but you also then have to explain why you need them. As opposed to maybe selling a vitamin or a mineral where people already know what those are, we’ve got to explain what it is and why you need them again.

We are having a large impact. We are in every country at this point because the word keeps spreading. I will share one story that was a watershed moment for me. I was with a rheumatologist doctor. We went up to Canada and he had gotten this product on a man with a neurological problem who couldn’t walk anymore, play his guitar, smile very well and speak very well. He had gotten this product on him a month earlier. We went to his house and he said, “Will you come with me?” I didn’t know what to expect because he was new to this. We knocked on the door expecting his wife to open the door. The man came to the door, fully walking and smiling.

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I remember Bob did a take-back, a look back and the man grabbed his hand and started thanking him. “You can’t believe how this has changed my life. I can’t believe it. I can’t thank you enough. Bob, I have to show you what I can do now.” He took him back and he started playing the guitar. He hadn’t been able to play it for seven years. We come out and I’m jumping up and down because I was set to tell someone I knew. I looked at Bob and I said, “We don’t know what we have our hands-on.”

I looked at him, and he was ash and gray and I said, “What’s wrong?” He looked at me dead in the eye and said, “You don’t understand. Doctors don’t see things like this.” He was so shaken that I had to drive him home that day. When you are doing things that doctors have never seen, you’ve got something that you can help give your life more purpose because this does touch so many people and is changing the world.

You allude to some aversion to the product around some people. The question is, what aspect of people’s mindset do you encounter that would make people, either more or less likely to at least approach this possibility in life, this product with an open mind, as opposed to it, represents a radically different way of looking at things? It represents something that some people naturally would think, “It’s only something I drink.” What are you encountering on the ground talking with people on a day-to-day basis?

Some of the objections that we get are, “It’s too expensive. I’m not interested now. I only listen to my doctor. I read about this online. It looks like a scam or saltwater.” You have to approach each objection to overcome it. Is it too expensive? How expensive is your health worth to you? Am I not interested in it now? It’s all about timing for people and maybe it’s not the right time for them. When Debbie first got started, there were about 2,000 peer-reviewed articles on on redox molecules. Now there are over 30,000 peer-reviewed articles on what redox molecules do for different health challenges. It’s a huge growth area of science.

We tell people that have that objection, “You can go to your doctor and tell them these are redox molecules. Now go and do your research on” Is it a scam? Is it saltwater? We have been validated since the beginning that we are not saltwater. We took it to several institutions and in universities that say that we are redox molecules, including Human Performance Lab in North Carolina and lastly, BioAgilytix, which is a lab in the North Carolina triangle that is run by PhDs. They test 8 out of the top 10 biotech and pharma companies to say what’s in their product is.

We say we are redox molecules and so they stamp every gel and liquid to say that we are redox molecules. If there are any articles out on the internet, Google is a bathroom wall of writing anything. We say, “Make sure you are doing good research including Google Scholar or PubMed and look up what redox molecules have done for different health challenges. You will see the studies there.”

If I may explain. If you look at the bottle, it is made up of salt and water. That’s what is in every cell of your body. That’s what your body makes it out of, the saltwater. To explain briefly, your body takes the salt and splits it into sodium and chloride. It takes the water and splits it into hydrogen and oxygen. Your body reconfigures those into many different types of redox.

If you know Chemistry a little bit, then you’ve got things like O2, which is superoxide and H2O2, which is hydrogen peroxide. Those are all redox molecules. That’s what the ingredients are. It’s like taking a loaf of bread and saying it’s made up of eggs, yeast, flour, and all that stuff but when you mix and combine it, it becomes bread. That’s what we start with. That’s why people think it’s saltwater. It’s not saltwater. It’s redox molecules. I wanted to clarify that for people.

ACAN 27 | Health Breakthrough Product
Health Breakthrough Product: If you do a little bit of something every single day, by the end of the year, you will have done an enormous amount.


That’s something that I do. I did take Organic Chemistry in high school. I like to say, I remember a little bit of it. At least carbon chains, in general. I think this is a good conversation to have because anytime anyone tries to bring something new into the world, whether it be through entrepreneurship or any other type of endeavor that we are all trying to do, there’s going to naturally be resistance. It’s like everyone has their own version of it, whether it be the incumbent companies or attitudes that are slower to change than people would like.

I generally think of this as this nebulous like inertial process of resistance. People want to go back. We are even starting to see a little bit of it in a weird, uneven fashion as we come out of this pandemic in different ways where some people are literally pushing for a return to everyone coming back to the office, five days a week, 8:00 to 5:00 and other people are embracing, “We learned a little bit more about remote work and some of these other possibilities.”

What I’m wondering is, to my audience out there who have their ideas and the things that they want to bring into the world, what would you say is the best thing to think about as far as overcoming whatever resistance they are going to encounter as they try to bring their new products and services or events into the world?

It’s the tipping point. If you have ever read the book or know about the tipping point, it’s like when cellphones were first introduced. Everybody is like, “Why would I want to carry a phone around with me? I liked my private time,” then there were these huge clunky boxes that started. They took up half of your car space if you had it in the car and stuff.

As more people found out how convenient it was to have a phone, now we can’t live without them, basically. The resistance is that we are all resistant to new things. We don’t understand them. We are always afraid. People are always fearful of things they don’t understand. That’s our biggest job is to help people understand what this is so that the fear goes away. They understand that taking it can do nothing but help you.

It can turn you around financially if you choose to share this with your friends. It can at least pay for the product, so the overcoming objections about if it’s too expensive for somebody, we can help them. The first thing I thought about was all the people I knew and loved that had health issues. I thought, “I’ve got to let them at least know about it. If they don’t want to try it, that’s fine. I was never going to be pushy.” At least, I felt the obligation to tell them about it. Most people came back and said, “It sounds like the fountain of youth. Why wouldn’t I try it?” They tried it.

That paid for my product very fast and it also helped me financially incredibly because I was a single mom and I had fallen into some bad times at the time. It turned me around completely. It’s helped me in so many different ways. I like open-minded people. I’m always open to learning new things. As a result, I learned about new things all the time. I think if you are open and there’s no resistance to learning about this. You don’t have to ever accept it. You can always say no. Be open-minded about things.

It sounds like you are talking about this tipping point and reaching this tipping point. It seems like whenever anything new comes in, whether it be the cellphones, the advancement in health products that you are talking about or even some changes in the work culture that we are observing, it’s always going to start out with these open-minded people.

There are always going to be people that are ahead of the curve. It sounds like it also takes a little bit of persistence to get to that tipping point. That’s the difference between people who bring things to the tipping point and people who don’t because there is always going to be a time when you are going to want to quit. There’s going to be a time where you are going to say, “Inertia,” or whatever these forces win.

Do you have any messages for the audience out there who are maybe going through something like that now? They are going through that sacrifice part of the success curve where I talk about where it’s like, you have introduced your product and your service but it’s taking a while for it to catch on. It’s taking a while for it to reach an audience or get to that tipping point where it starts to succeed and make the impact that you would initially envision for your idea.

I would tell people out there to keep going. We always tell people to remember why they started. Going back to their why, it has to be strong enough to get up every day and continue to share it with people. We think of ourselves as educators. We are never trying to convince anybody to try this. It’s totally up to them. We only want to give them enough information to make an informed decision to see if this is right for them or not. If you can have a strong backbone and not care about the outcome, I would say that’s my biggest tip to people.

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Go back to your why and stop worrying so much about the outcome because oftentimes, it said, “Focus on what you can control.” You can control how many people you are talking to about something. I can control how many business cards I put out. I can’t necessarily control and people’s reactions to something oftentimes is more of a reflection of themselves and a reflection of you in what you are saying. That is a tough thing.

One of the things I want to cover because I have this futurist mentality is your thoughts about the future of the healthcare system, the medical world. We know that a lot of people are complaining about the high cost of healthcare insurance premiums and of having a major problem, whatever that problem is called, whether it’s called cancer or Alzheimer’s, anything else can lead people into bankruptcy and through hospital bills. It seems to me that this and any other more preventative has the potential to help with those problems.

Where do you see the entire world of health insurance, healthcare, and the entire world of our health in general, our obesity, physical health problems, mental health problems and depression, everything else going through ASEA, and any other similar initiative that may be happening out there that you are aware of?

I think the healthcare system in our country needs to take examples from places like Japan. They are number one in the world in health. They are all about prevention. They pay their doctors when they are well. If they get sick, the doctor isn’t doing their job, so then they stop paying them then.

It’s like an incentive.

It’s completely different. It’s so much more cost-effective to prevent disease. Years ago, when I read an article in Time Magazine about the cost of having cancer, it was $80,000 a year. That was years ago. I don’t even know what it is now but that’s the cost. Insurance can’t continue to pay for all this stuff either. If we are much more proactive about our health and we keep ourselves healthy, it’s so much more cost-effective. That’s why I have never thought about this as being expensive. This is helping me maintain my energy and my youth. I haven’t had a health challenge.

You can still get sick on this, definitely but I haven’t had any health challenge or anything in years because of this. How many doctor’s visits have that saved me? How much has that kept me from going to the hospitals and all the costs related to that? How many sick days have I had? None. That’s very cost-effective. I can continue to work. It’s so much cost-effective to prevent things from happening than it is and be proactive of your health as opposed to getting a disease and having to deal with that.

What do you think is the biggest barrier in the majority of people in the US, whether it’s the US or any other country from being a little more proactive and preventative about their health? I’m going to exclude Japan from this, as you described. If I would think about the majority of people, they are like, “I’m going to get a gym membership and maybe do a whole 30 or something like that.” From being proactive, what keeps things the way it is and the inefficient way where we are buying back our health from the doctor, as opposed to being more proactive?

People need to remember how good they felt as children when they were running around all day and had tons of energy. People are under a great deal of stress now. We have a pandemic, political stuff and everything happening. This is around the world. It’s not only here. I think people get almost lazy and go through their whole day, then they come home and want to sit back, have a beer and watch TV. You can get in the habit of doing that very easily. It’s nothing but bad for your health.

ACAN 27 | Health Breakthrough Product
Health Breakthrough Product: These molecules don’t care what the damaged cell is called. Their primary job is to go find those damaged cells and signal the immune system where the immune system comes in and starts repairing and replacing those cells.


You have to be interested in staying healthy, maintaining your health and feeling good. When you are healthy, you feel good and it helps your whole mental thing. You are much happier. You are not depressed normally. I would say, try to remember back to when you were young and want to be that way again. Jackie, do you want to add anything?

I will say people don’t usually do anything until they have to or until it’s too late. For myself, starting so young, being proactive, I commend myself. I wish people had the same mentality as me.

What I’m wondering is, for us to get to where we want to be and say like, “Let us be more proactive about health and we will make healthcare costs better,” but it also has a lot of good quality of life implications that we didn’t even begin to discuss here. When you don’t have that afternoon crash, when you are healthier, how you felt when you were young and all that. What I’m wondering is, whether or not two things are required based on this conversation so far.

One is a change of the incentive structure, which is what you talked about with Japan. It’s a different incentive structure. You get paid when they are healthy, therefore, it’s going to be different. Also, number two is, whether or not a lifestyle change. I have often lamented the idea of the person who wakes up, drives to an office, sits at that desk for 9, 10 hours, and drives home. Gets a beer, watches TV the whole night and gets into that rut. Do you think those two things are necessary changes for us to get to a more preventative healthcare system?

I do. I think if companies saw maybe a way to look at people’s sick days maybe and they pay people a little bit more if they were healthy and have fewer sick days, that might be one incentive we can start with the companies. The same for your insurance. It is already that way. If you make fewer claims, you usually pay less in insurance. We could start with that also.

I think there was a relaxation to some degree when people were forced to be home and had to work remotely. They saw the benefits of being around their family a little bit more, having more family time, having good thoughts and feelings. I know kids can be disruptive and stuff but overall, it was nice. Hopefully, companies are going to allow some more remote time so that they aren’t always in carpools or traffic. That’s so stressful.

Maybe they can work at home 2 or 3 days a week and take away some of that stress and the time that it takes to drive there and things. Again, network marketing is something that you can work from home if you do this full-time all the time. It’s always nice to go meet people and we do that. It’s nice to have a home-based business.

It’s also nice tax-wise because you can write off a lot more if you’ve got a home-based business. The tax benefits are amazing. I have saved a lot because of the home-based business. There are a lot of reasons to look into that too even adding it as a second stream of income to your first stream because you can do this. I had twenty minutes a day when I built mine. That was it. I built it to a six-figure income and a little over a year. It was something that you can do part-time and stuff. If people can relax and maybe have some more time at home and not be as stressed in no matter what they do.

People will react naturally to that stress. Jackie, you talked earlier about not wanting that 9:00 to 5:00, so you have been able to also build a home-based business. How do you think that has impacted your ability to be proactive about your health?

You can set your own schedule. I can be home if I would like to. I can go to the gym when I want to. I can cook my own meals and not always go out. Alongside that, I can travel when I want to. Who doesn’t like to travel? I don’t have kids now but that’s what I was looking for is, do I want the option to be a stay-at-home mom or go to my kids’ sporting events?

I don’t have a boss, so I don’t need to ask for time off. I have that residual income as well. I don’t need to necessarily worry about my next paycheck and where that’s coming from because I’m sharing this product and people continue to pick this product. It’s minimal risk and a low startup for building your own business. We always say, “What better way to make a living while making a difference.”

One last statement for all those people out there and any audience out there who maybe have had some of these things resonate with them about proactive health. Some of the things saying, “I remember what it was like when I was younger, not having that afternoon crash, having all energy,” even if like what I said about when I was 21. Being able to stay out until 4:30 in the morning and wake up at 7:30 and everything like that. Not that I’m advocating losing sleep because sleep is important.

I have had previous guests describe the importance of sleep. Resonating about having that youthful feeling and wanting to have that wake-up call and say, “I need to stop watching TV with a beer and start doing something else.” Even if it is going to the park and taking a walk with a friend. Any messages for those people and what things should they all be considering at this time?

I think the first thing you need to do is decide. Make a big decision. Sit down with yourself and maybe make a list of all the pros and cons of being healthy. Maybe if you saw it in writing in front of you, you could at least strategize and you have to make a decision. Things become a habit when they are repeated over again. There’s a book called The Slight Edge. If you do a little bit of something every single day, by the end of the year, you have done an enormous amount. Every single day doesn’t seem to be.

There’s another book called I think Chain Reaction or something. The man went out and he said, “I’m going to take a walk every single day.” He did a half an hour walk, to begin with, and that was the first chain in his link. He didn’t look at it as, “I’m going to be doing this for a whole year or anything.” He looked at it like every day. The next day he got up and said, “I’m going to take my walk.” He added the second link in his chain.

It was something that his mindset changed over time. The third day he woke up and he took another one, so there’s a third link in his chain. He was building a chain until it became a habit. He felt so good and he felt horrible if he didn’t take a walk that day. It changed his whole health. He lost weight. His heart was healthier. He was a completely different person.

You are looking back in a year’s time. He was able to walk now for an hour and many more miles because he got faster and everything, and he became healthier but he didn’t think about it in the long-term. It was a daily thing that he changed a little bit every single day and started eating better and stuff like that. If you could think about it and do like a little chunk. It’s like, “How do you eat an elephant?” One bite at a time. That little bit of weight gone, you start feeling better. If you could do something a little bit every day, it would help you.

Your why has to be strong enough for you to get up every day and continue to share it with people. Click To Tweet

These little changes. Jackie, anything there?

When you feel better or when you look better, you start to feel better and so absolutely, when you make a decision and you decide, and you stay consistent, you will see a result.

Maybe reward yourself.

It’s a little change every day. Think about it day-to-day and also, the connection between the spiritual or mental feeling and your physical body. Jackie, Debbie, I would like to thank you both for joining us on the show and telling us all about ideas for how we can be more proactive about our health, about a new medical that’s relatively new. New to most people now, a medical breakthrough around the cellular regeneration process and how it could impact everyone’s lives. I would like to thank everyone out there for reading and stay tuned for more episodes of the show, where I talk to more people who are going out there, making impacts, and choosing, I would say, less conventional methods of living their lives. Although, it may become more conventional over time.

Thank you so much for having us, Stephen. We greatly appreciate it.

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About Jackie Wetzler

ACAN 27 | Health Breakthrough ProductI’ve always had a passion for health and fitness, which is why I went to school for and graduated with a Kinesiology degree from University of Maryland, College Park. After trying different things, a friend sat me down and asked what I was passionate about and or if there was anything I really wanted to do. I told her I always wanted to be on TV so she said, “Well, get a job that lands you on TV!” I started working at NBC in Washington, D.C. as a receptionist and worked my way to being a news reporter and anchor. I moved to Casper, WY and landed my first news reporter/anchor position. After about a year and a half, I realized the lifestyle of a news reporter wasn’t what I wanted – I craved more freedom and flexibility and wanted to give back.

I ended up writing a post on Facebook: “in search of a life coach” which is when Marian Struble reached out to me who is both a life coach and an associate with ASEA. She asked me, “What do you look for in the perfect job?” I replied, “I don’t want a 9-5, I don’t want to work in a cubicle, I want to be my own boss, and I want to help people”. With that, she told me to talk to my mom!

As product consumer myself, I personally was impressed by the ASEA product. But, at the time, I was not aware how strong of a leader my mother was in ASEA who has helped thousands of people around the world with this technology. She got me on the phone with two ladies my age who are quite successful in ASEA and 2 weeks later I went to our convention. It was there that I knew I wanted to do this for the rest of my life. That was about two years ago and I am a Platinum Executive rank. I am grateful that I get to help so many people with this technology.

My passion for helping others has helped me earn not only the Platinum Executive rank, but to also be ranked as one of the top 10 enrollers in the US three times, earning the Ascent trip this year to Cancun, MX. Helping others is rewarding – in addition to paying off my credit card, I was able to give back by contributing my time building a vocational school in Ecuador for a very poor village. I love traveling and I have been able to go on many trips with my mom including traveling to Hawaii twice, Cancun, Ireland, Vegas, Salt Lake City, Dallas, Cabo, and Costa Rica. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about having a business as an independent Associate with ASEA is that my results (and my attitude) are up to me. In terms of personal development, I am a better communicator and listener.

Network marketing makes you grow as a person and gets you out of your comfort zone. I am not the same person as I was before this experience. I am closer to my mom, have made many friends, and have helped and cared about people who I might not have met otherwise. You can do anything you want if you put your mind to it. I take work that’s why it’s called netWORK marketing. It has its ups and downs but it will be worth it when you put the work and time into it.

About Debbie Wetzler

ACAN 27 | Health Breakthrough ProductI grew up in the mountains of Colorado during the summers. My sister and I rode stick horses playing cowgirls. We explored the 14 acres our parents had bought as their summer getaway. We walked down the train tracks that bordered our property. My parents joined a small country club which enabled us to then swim, hike, and ride real horses!!! Our fourth of July was a Norman Rockwell painting! Around a very small lake in our town there would be all kinds of games we could participate in. A gazebo where cloggers clogged and bands played was right beside the lake. Cowboys did log rolls in the lake. The smell of fresh strawberry shortcake filled the air and small ponies were there for the riding. After playing all day we’d go back to our home for an outdoor fire with grilled hot dogs and marshmallows.

Then dad would plop us in the back of his pickup and take us up to the high school football field for the Denver Symphony to listen to the beautiful music with a finale of the 1812 Overture, complete with cannons! Then the fireworks would start with Pikes Peak in the background. It was breathtakingly beautiful!!! My summers were magical, and I couldn’t wait to move there permanently! After college I made that dream a reality, moving to Aspen, Colorado. I got to work in the evenings and ski every day in the winter; hike, raft, and camp in the summer.

Again, my life was magical! But alas I was married, and my husband was transferred to Scottsdale, Arizona and Bethesda, Maryland. Our children were born there, and we settled in. However, my heart was always back in Colorado. In the year 2000 I made my first vision board. One of the images I put on it was “a beautiful mountain home to entertain my friends” along with several other images. The other images came to fruition very quickly, so I made another vision board. I put my “beautiful mountain home to entertain my friends” on it again with other images. And again, the other images came to life. I kept my mountain home image on many other vision boards and in divine right time, my vision became reality. In 2004 my husband and I divorced which left me as a single mom with all the major responsibilities: financial, emotional, and spiritual. I had to make sure both my children knew they were loved and had not been abandoned while also making sure they had the discipline required to raise them responsively. It was the toughest job I ever had. I was running my own successful interior design business when I was offered a job helping a man with an incredible children’s website.

I put my interior design business on hold, my business partner continued it with my weekly input, to help design the website. Everything was going very well until 2008 hit and the website company went bankrupt. I was left with absolutely no money coming in and interior design not in demand! I looked for months for a job to put food on the table and went through my life savings. I finally found a job as a server in a very nice restaurant. I had to work double shifts to make enough money to feed my daughter and me and pay for utilities, however I kept getting behind in my mortgage. I had no extra money at all, and it devastated me to not be able to even buy Christmas presents for my children. It was an awful time in my life. After four applications to obtain a loan modification, being turned down due to not making enough money, I got a letter of foreclosure. I felt desperate and hopeless and just started sobbing.

I couldn’t imagine looking at my little girl and telling her we were going to be homeless. I had no one to turn to, my mother was elderly and telling her would have caused a great deal of undue stress which would have impaired her health and my father had passed away. Then I finally realized I was never alone, and I went to my room, got down on my knees, and put out the biggest, most emotional prayer of my life. I said I could help myself with His help and asked for a vehicle to help people and one that would restore my financial dignity. I went to bed still sobbing, but the very next morning before I got out of bed the phone rang. It was a girlfriend from Colorado who I didn’t hear from very often. She told me she had learned of a true breakthrough product that had helped some of her best friends. I jumped out of bed to go watch the video she had sent me and looked up to say, “Thank You”.

From that moment on, I believe that divine intervention stepped in to show me that representing the products through this network marketing company was what I was supposed to be doing. I had confirmation from a scientist doing research at our largest Research Center in the U.S. confirm what this was and how this was a true breakthrough. I got a free “buddy pass” from a pilot I knew to fly to the launch of the product. I called a close friend to tell her about this for her sons, and unbeknownst to me, she was in Italy at the Vatican on her knees praying for something for her sons when I called!

All of this pointed to what I should be doing in my life now. I had a 20 minute break in my double shifts each day, so I used that time to call everyone I knew and loved to let them know what I had learned about. From just doing that activity consistently and with dedication, I was able to save my house, help pay for my daughter’s college, and pay for my son’s rehearsal dinner. That was the proudest moment of my life.

A year earlier I would not have been able to give him a dime toward his wedding, much less buy him a wedding gift. Network marketing has changed my life in so many ways! It gave me my life back, a home for my daughter, a wedding contribution to my son, new friends and family, growth in so many areas, finding out about other cultures, and being the best I can be. I would never consider doing anything else!