
Creative Thinking and The Value of Time in Business with Katie Burkhart

One of the reasons you might suffer from a lack of creativity boils down to time. You have become so busy, so there’s no time for your creativity. But, what would life look like if you value your time as much as you value other things?  In this week’s podcast, join us as we welcome our guest, Katie Burkhart. She is an entrepreneur, author, and keynote speaker. Katie has founded several companies and is currently

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The Power of Purpose and Why It Matters Today with Ariel Naftali

Finding a sense of purpose is important to our well-being. As you grow and live your life, your purpose also grows. Following it can lead you to fulfillment. It’s like your roadmap. Think about this: When you have a sense of purpose, you tend to experience joy, happiness, and satisfaction more often. It gives you the ability to become resilient, hopeful, and optimistic about the future. When it comes to purposes, our guest Ariel Naftali

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