Empowering the Next Generation with Kurt Ogbewele

The belief that young people have the potential to achieve great things is the foundation of empowering youth. By providing access to inspiring experiences and resources, as well as building their self-assurance, young people can accomplish anything they set their minds to. In this episode, MBSB Coaching CEO Kurt Ogbewele joins us to share his journey of empowering and inspiring young people to reach their full potential. As someone who has dedicated his career to

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Unlocking Your Potential: Guide to Immersive Spiritual Transformation with Anjali Konojia

Have you ever found yourself in a difficult situation where you feel like you’ve hit a dead end and don’t know how to move forward? Maybe something isn’t going as planned or you’re struggling to make progress. It can be confusing and overwhelming to navigate this kind of uncertainty. Join me as I sit down with Anjali Konojia, an expert in spiritual growth and personal development. In this episode, we explore the benefits of immersive

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Mindfulness: How to Connect with Yourself and to Others with Ashton August

Self-care doesn’t just involve sitting around doing nothing. Listening to one’s own thoughts, absorbing, and analyzing all that occurred during the day are all parts of spending time with yourself.  In a day with 24 hours, we spend about 15 of them awake after deducting the hours we sleep. How much of it are we spending with ourselves? And what value do we place on ourselves? In this week’s episode, YouAligned Founder and Content Director

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How Tech Is Changing the Hiring Process in 2022 and Beyond with Alex Svinov

The sole focus on experience and professional skills is no longer the typical approach when it comes to how employers evaluate job candidates with technology. The change to using skill-based talent assessment tools is what businesses are after for. It’s not a question of if technology is changing the employment environment anymore; rather, it’s a question of how.  What does the significant change in the hiring procedure imply for prospective developers and staffing industries? In

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Financial Planning May Look Different for Gen Z and Millennials with Zechariah Schaefer

Even in a small firm or for yourself, a financial plan is very important. It’s a road map, a guideline, and a reminder of what you want to accomplish.. But in this contemporary time, what is the optimal way to maximize money and maximize your life ? In this week’s episode, Ascent Personal Finance Founder Zechariah Schaefer joins us to discuss the ever-changing financial industry for Gen Z and Millennials, crypto, retirement, and much more. 

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Interior Design and Its Impact On Our Well-Being with Prof. MaDonna Collingwood

A cluttered environment has been shown to deplete energy and have a detrimental impact on our overall mood and self-image. However, numerous interior design techniques and approaches have been found to relieve stress levels. But, what’s more to it? How do the elements of interior design improve our health?   Studio Institute Denver Founder and Professor MaDonna Collingwood explores how interior design impacts our physical, and mental health and well-being. Studio Institute Denver offers accelerated

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Bringing the Community Together Through Outdoor Adventures with Felipe Vieyra

In this day and age of technological breakthroughs, everyone would agree that it has its impact. One of the activities that people who go through this detox can engage in is exploring the great outdoors like hiking, mountain climbing, or trekking. But, what are the other things that these activities bring into the community? Oso Adventure Meals Co-Founder Felipe Vieyra delves into bringing people from different colors together through going outdoor activities and adventures complemented

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The Art of Hypnotherapy and How The Mind Works with Matthew Brownstein

The human mind is the source of our thinking. Our ideas, emotions, and behaviors are all interconnected. Thus, influencing how we feel and act. Negative thinking, on the other hand, can contribute to issues such as social anxiety, harmful habits, and stress. So, is it possible to adjust our mindset in order to overcome difficulties and accomplish more in life? In this week’s episode, Matthew Brownstein delves into the different modalities of hypnotherapy, the philosophy

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Improving Mental Wellness Through Helping the Community with Justin Kruger

For the past years, covid pandemic has hit us. Making almost all of us isolated in our home. A lot has experienced stress, sadness, loneliness, and mental health disorders including anxiety and depression. How can people help the community at the same time improving mental wellness? In this week’s episode, Justin Kruger joins us to share the goodness of helping people in need, homeless individuals, foster youth and seniors, and especially to people living with

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